Chapter 2

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"When are you getting those teeth chains off?" Beth asked circling her finger round Maddie's braces.

"Next week hopefully"

"I can't wait to see you with those shackles! It has been two whole years without those pearly white teeth of yours and I am excited!"

"Last I checked, they were my're excited and I am relatively very calm? I don't get" Maddie replied as she knitted her eyebrows.

Beth sighed, hissed, and rolled her eyes.

"Anyways, Keith talked to me today" Maddie said as she smiled broadly.

"Oh my God, that's great! What did he say?"

"Excuse me" Maddie answered as she shifted back a few centimetres.

"Oh, I'm sorry, did I step on you?" Beth asked in concerning as she looked at the ground to double check.

Maddie looked at her in disagreement and this made her wonder; and it hit her!

"Was that what he said?"

Maddie nodded in response and Beth slapped her forehead in evident frustration.

"You're crazy, you know right?" Beth asked

"What? Someone I've had a crush on for the past two years finally says a phrase to me, the little I could do is appreciate it if not throw a party!" She defended.

"I'm very sure that when Keith gets word that some crazy girl in his algebra class who has a crush on him is a big-time weirdo, he'll transfer to another school...ASAP" Beth said crossing her arms.

"Who's gonna tell him?"

"Wait and find out" Beth said and began to run towards the direction of his homeroom.

Maddie figured it out the situation in two seconds and began the pursuit; it was a race for the fast and the furious-Unfortunately, Beth was both. She sighted Keith from afar and screamed his name at the top her lungs; "Keith!". He responded by turning around and sure enough Beth made things worse; she quickly ran to another person, so it looked like Maddie was the one who called him.

Being an A-student, Maddie understood the frustrating turn of events. To cover her shame, she tried to also make a turn, tripped, and fell at his feet.

"I knew you gals worshipped me, but just too much! I think I'm Zeus!" He teased while telling his friends, Max, and Rick.

She stood up, cheeks red, clothes dusty and her whole body covered in shame.

"I wasn't worshipping you and I'm 100% positive that according to Greek mythology, Zeus did not go to high school, and even if he did, it would definitely be in Greece" She defended and shamed him; this made people laugh. The tables had turned.

"Girl with glasses; one and hot shot bad guy Keith; zero" Max said.

"Nice one" He said and offered to fist bump her. It seemed almost too good to be true, and then it was. He removed his hand she stretched hers, stroked his hair and left. The tables had turned...back.

She turned round and met her traitor best friend smiling broadly.

"I hate you" She muttered in anger and proceeded to hunt her down and give her the beating of a lifetime.

One week later, she was off to her dentist's office and the ride there was a pain in the ass.

"When is my obnoxious, immature little sister getting off?" Maddie asked.

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