Chapter 3

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"Do you really need to do this? Like, is it now an essential part of your life?" Rick asked as they walked.

"I thought we've been through this, she's not going to get that hurt, just a little bit" Keith said and turned now to face Rick. "I don't even think she'll be hurt at all, she was really fiesty the other day".

"Just chill Rick, I promise this will not end terribly for you, maybe only the both of us" Max encouraged as he put an arm over his shoulder.

"You know that there's no way you guys will do something without getting me involved, or is that possible?" Rick asked back.

"Of course it is, we weren't born together, Fredrick" Keith said as he laughed.

"You're both gonna regret this, I swear" Rick said as he watched them go ahead of him and followed closely behind.

"Any updates on that Maddie girl?" Keith asked Max. "Found some other information that you might find useful" "Give it to me" He commanded.

"She loves reading, especially books by Jeff Kinney, she plays episode and always has lunch on Saturdays with Beth Crane" Max stated.

"This won't be hard at all, figuring I do dabble in the wimpy kid series here and there" Keith smiled and said.

"I'm warning you for the last time, you will hate how this is gonna end up" Rick said again and this time he left.


Maddie took her seat and waited for the teacher to come in, Keith walked in and she sighted a diary of a wimpy kid book in his hands along with algebra textbook and notes. She was stunned by the fact that he read the wimpy kid series, she was a little bit embarrassed to confess her love for the books in public.

"Is this seat taken?" He asked pointing to the seat beside her.

"No" She managed.

The mere thought of Keith sitting next to her, made her shiver and it took the grace of God to look at him when he asked for an eraser.

He said a full my face! She thought and celebrated within her soul.

The class went on and she couldn't concentrate while he stared at her and she too would stare sometimes.

"Do you get it? I don't get any of it" Keith said in regard to the topic being taught. She felt glad and explained it all to him. "Thanks" He mouthed and she smiled in response.

"Oh, by the way, you have really pretty eyes" He added.

She blushed a little and replied "Thanks".

She came out the class and met Beth waiting.

"What was that all about?" Beth asked.


"The smiles and stares between you and Mr hotshot over there" she replied pointing to Keith. He turned and saw them, waved a little and proceeded to leave.

"Go say something to him" Beth said and pushed her again. She panicked and called out his name and when he turned she was dumbfounded. She quickly thought of what to say and she recalled she had seen his notebook earlier and it read: Keith E.C. Song.

She blurted. "What's the C in your name for?".

He faced her and smiled. "Confidential" He replied, shrugged and left.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid girl, what's up with you Maddie?" She asked herself.

"Yeah, you are really stupid" Beth encouraged.

"Thanks alot bestie".

"We need to have a long hard talk about this, Keith" Rick said.

"What is it?"

"I'm not comfortable with the idea of you guys hurting an innocent girl" "Oh God, this again?" Keith asked.

"Yes, this again" Rick said slamming the table.

"You've never had a problem with it before, why now?" Keith asked.

"She's never had a boyfriend and is probably hoping that she'll get one that actually makes sense and not some random selfish guy she doesn't really know but has a tiny meaningless crush on!" Rick yelled.

"Language Rick, watch it"

"I'm not gonna watch anything, just leave her alone and try this on someone with heartbreak experience, if you don't stop, I'm gonna tell her the idiot you really are!" Rick yelled again and this time received a punch from Keith.

He wiped us cheek and continued talking.

"I'm definitely going to tell her now" He assured.

"Think about the consequences of your actions, you twat! Don't let me hate you, you of all people should know what happens to those I hate" Keith warned.

"Don't push this farther than it can go and let that girl be!" Rick stood and left

"Hey, what's up? Why are you here without notice?" Randy asked the woman standing at the door.

"I really needed to talk about his college fund, our son?" She said.

"You should have thought about that before taking reckless and foolish decisions!"

"I've explained that I didn't do anything, why don't you believe me?"

"That aside, I'm going to open an account for him and place the college money there, I'll open it in your name, so you can access it whenever you need to" He said and was about to close the door when she spoke again.

"How's your health?" She asked.

"None of your business" and he slammed the door shut at her face.

With tears in her eyes, she went to her car and sat in there. She poured out everything inside her and started the car.

"Hold it in, Louise, hold it in" She encouraged herself and drove off.

Randy stood at the window and watched her leave, he felt somehow sorry for her and the pain she went through after their last encounter, he pushed aside those feelings of pity and went in the house.

He really liked to pity her but the feelings of hate crushed every kind of pity he had for her.

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