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Beomgyu was sitting under a tree at a park. The kids were running and chasing each other; it seemed like they were having a wonderful time. Beomgyu was watching the kids afar and wondered when it was his turn to receive temporary happiness. 

"When is it my turn to be happy for once?" Beomgyu questioned and glanced up at the sky. The sky was bright and clear. Pigeons were flapping happily across and chipping. It was a perfect day for Beomgyu to read a book under a tree. He took a book from his bag and put his earbuds on to listen to the sound of the rain.

Seraphic. That book would make anyone cry, but that wasn't the case for Beomgyu. (The book was about 2 people who fell in love, and then one lost their loved one after building a stable relationship and trust.)

After 2 hours of reading the book, Beomgyu took out his phone to check the time, 3:42 PM. It was time for him to meet with Jin for his vocal lessons. He quickly packs up the things and shoves them in the bag. Hurriedly ran to the bus stop.

When he got to the bus stop, he noticed a brunette-haired male standing and looking at his phone with his Airpods in. "Is he a trainee? He looked so beautiful, " Beomgyu thought while glancing at him. His dream is to become an idol and a songwriter. Beomgyu would attend vocal and dance lessons with Jin and Hobi before auditioning.

As soon as the bus arrived, Beomgyu watched the brunette get on the bus and quickly followed him. He noticed the male sat at the back, so Beomgyu decided to sit in the first row of the seat. After minutes, Beomgyu's stop was here. He glanced before leaving at the brunette sitting at the bus's back.

Beomgyu strolled on the street, walking to DYNAMITE STUDIO. The bell chimed as soon as Beomgyu opened the door.

"Hi Beomgyu, you're here!" Jin smiled and hugged Beomgyu.

"Hi, hyung! I practiced some vocals and did some recordings, " Beomgyu spoke out.

"Alright, Gyu, let's go to the studio room." Beomgyu quietly followed Jin to the room and placed his bag on the desk. The studio had 2 monitors, a piano, and a recording room. How cool! Jin left some vocal notes on the desk.

"Beomgyu, I need to bring someone. I will be back." Beomgyu nodded and watched Jin leave the room. The atmosphere was quiet; he grabbed and read the notes Jin placed on the desk. Beomgyu practiced singing a few lines from a song saved on his phone. He stopped when the door opened and noticed a familiar figure behind Jin.

"Gyu, there's someone I would like you to meet." He gestured to the brunette to introduce himself. Wait, isn't he from the bus stop? Is this a coincidence? Beomgyu thought.

"Hi, I'm Choi Yeonjun, and I will be working with you, " he bowed and made eye contact with Beomgyu. He was taken aback by the eye staring from the brunette.

"H-h-hi, I'm Choi Beomgyu. Nice to meet you, Yeonjun, " Beomgyu broke eye contact and stared at the shaking hands on his lap. Why did I stuttered in front of him? This is so fucking embarrassing. Beomgyu cussed at himself in his mind, not realizing he was zoning out.

"Beomgyu, is there something bothering you?" Jin worriedly asked as he noticed the younger's face was red. Beomgyu snapped out of his little world and shook his head vigorously. The older stared at Beomgyu, concerned, hoping he didn't scare him.

"Let's get started, shall we?" Jin broke out the silence in the studio, and the males nodded. The males spent the next few hours practicing their vocals and singing. At first, Beomgyu was awkward around Yeonjun, but then he got more comfortable around him as Yeonjun was chill.

The hours of practicing vocals were over, and it was time for them to go home.

"Yeonjun-hyung, it was fun practicing vocals with you. I look forward to working more with you in the future," Beomgyu smiled and put the notes in his bag.

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