Wants Sparked

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   I froze, as the light shown across the letter I was holding in my hand. I hesitantly looked at one of the lines that was visible to read.

   “Rody, I’m not trying to sound paranoid, or anything, but I feel like someone has been watching me.. Someone has been following me every night, I swear… Please, I’d feel much safer with you, answer my letters..?”

   I looked behind me, and saw Vincent staring at me, not moving a muscle. Just staring. Looking me up and down, as I was kneeling on the ground, clutching the letters and locket in my hand. As I went to get up from the floor, my foot slipped from under me, and I felt a weight drop onto my back. I gasped for air as it was all pushed out of me, and my hands were pinned down to the ground, on either side of my head. Gasping for more air, I looked at the hands that gripped my wrists so tightly. His skin was so cold, not helping with the already cold environment. “Get off me, you freak!!!!” I yelled, trying to push him off me. For such a slender and pale body, he was strong. As I continued to try and yell at him, and break free, I felt as a pair of icy, but soft lips collided with mine. I stopped moving, immediately confused, and horrified. I attempted to break my arms free once again, but to no use. 

   The kiss deepened within moments of it happening, and he forcefully shoved his tongue into my mouth, making the kiss quite messy. I couldn’t seem to pull my head away. It was one of the first times in a while that I had been kissed, and I liked it. What the fuck..?! I squirmed more beneath him, the hard floor not treating my body nicely. It broke after what seemed like forever, and it was quiet once again. As I went to yell again, I felt a sharp jab into my neck, but then it was gone within seconds. I felt Vincent’s body get off of mine, and heard as he walked a few steps beside me. My head banged down onto the ground, as I started to feel loopy and tired. For the last seconds of consciousness, I could barely make out Vincent with a syringe in his hand, and his thumb wiping his lips off.



   I watched as he lost consciousness, and waited even a few minutes after. I licked my thumb, that I had used to get his saliva off my lips. It tasted sweet. It tasted so sweet. I walked over to him, and nudged him a bit. He didn’t move in response, so I gently pulled him up with the back of his collar, and pulled him towards the door. 

1 hour later…



   I woke up, tied up in a dark room. It was no longer cold, but it wasn’t much more comforting. Before I could even think of what to do, I noticed movement to the right of me. I turned my head towards it, and managed to make out a figure of a person. I went to say something, but I was interrupted. “Don’t speak,” He said. He moved towards me, and kissed me again, the same roughness as I could remember from earlier, but seemingly more desperate. He situated himself onto my lap, and placed his hand on the back of my neck, making me kiss him back more. I couldn’t move my arms, as they were tied tightly behind my back. But I didn’t want to fight back.. Not one bit. The taste of cigarettes and honey oddly enough, caused shivers to run through my body. I fell in love with the taste immediately. We occasionally broke the kiss every once in a while, kissing for as long as we could, before losing breath completely.

   It repeated over and over. Moving my tongue against his, he suddenly bit down on it. I winced, and tried pulling my head back, but ended up hitting my head on the wall behind me. The kissing stopped, but Vincent licked the blood from my tongue off his lips. I noticed something spark in his eyes, and he went for my neck, biting down on it hard. I winced more, and kicked my legs a bit, not enjoying how hard the biting was exactly. Whilst he bit my neck, drawing blood from it like a goddamn vampire, I felt his hand that was originally on the back of my neck, rub the back of my head, where I had banged it. His other hand replaced where his other was originally, on the back of my neck, keeping me from pulling it away. I stayed still for a couple moments, remembering this was a life and death situation still. He could kill me at any moment if he wanted to, honestly. My body tensed as he bit harder on my neck, and I tried craning my neck away from his baring teeth.

   As I did, I felt as his hips went back and forth against my crotch, and my attention we dragged away from the biting. I groaned, and slouched against the wall. As I did, his hand trailed down my body, and I shivered more. I wanted him to go so much rougher, but I couldn’t even put my hand on his waist. “Un-Untie me-.” I muttered under my breath. He stopped for a moment, and glanced at me, keeping his face against my neck a bit. “Excuse me?” He questioned, sounding a bit threatening. “Just untie me, I’m not going to do anything rash..” I looked back at him, my voice a little louder. He glanced down behind me, but untied my hands. “I won't hesitate to kill you.” I gently placed my hands onto his waist, and turned my head towards his, kissing him. He jumped at it at first, even flinching from it, but then let me. 

   I continued to kiss him, and deepened it, but didn’t go as far as to slip my tongue into his mouth. I did start to massage his waist, and he moved a little from the touch. He pulled away after a few minutes, surprisingly, and got up. We looked at each other for a few minutes, and I wasn’t exactly sure if me saying or doing anything would cause my life to end right there, right then. “You can sleep here, in the guest room, Lamoree.” He finally said. He didn’t let me answer, and instead, just walked out, and to the living room. I hesitated, but then glanced around, and felt relief wash over my body. My legs felt so weak, and I barely wanted to get up. But I knew that I’d regret sleeping on the floor, so I willed myself to stand up, and walk over to the bed. I felt ridiculous for wanting him back in my arms, and I knew I wouldn’t be able to sleep one bit.

~Taste~ (Vincent×Rody)Where stories live. Discover now