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   I held onto him as he carried me into the bathroom. I looked up at him, and he looked back at me. “Hm?” “If you’re doing aftercare for me, you shouldn’t-.” He turned on the water in the bath. “Just cause you don’t know how, doesn’t mean you shouldn’t receive it. Plus, it’ll help you learn how to do it.” He gently set me in the bath when the water heated up. 

30 minutes later…

   We were now curled up on his bed, him hugging me with his head resting a bit on top of mine. We were in pajamas now, but while Vincent was in a black t-shirt, and gray sweatpants, I was in a tank top, and shorts. It was hot, but I guess he’s always cold. I hugged him loosely, and rested my head against his chest. I could get used to this.. “Um- How was work-?” I asked, wanting to get a gauge on whether he was still upset about the lady or not. He sighed, “An inspector came. She tried getting into my personal business, and so I kicked her out. She will probably give a bad review on the food.” “Alright-. I have a question about your food..? Do you put people in your food that you serve to guests.?” He looked down at me. “No.” I sighed relieved. “Okay, good.. What did you do to Mannon's body-.?” “I gave it to you, what, did you not eat it?” I froze. “She was in the food you gave me…?” He looked away, towards the wall.

   I went quiet too, not wanting him to leave. I liked this position, I liked being held again.. “Do you want to eat me.?” I mumbled. “If I wanted to eat you, I would have done so already.” My mood lightened up a bit. “Do you want me to stay with you, because you love me then-.?” I looked up at him, and hugged him a bit tighter. He looked back at me, a slight pink blush across his face. “No.” “Can I take that as a yes?” “No-” I smiled. “Yes?” He groaned, and looked away again. “Yes.” I kept myself from squirming a bit, happily. He didn’t look at me, but continued to look away, most likely embarrassed. “Then I’d like to stay.” 

~Taste~ (Vincent×Rody)Where stories live. Discover now