A Moment With Heaven

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Icarus's fruit draws me in
I've heard the stories, yet my mind
Falls... drowns in the thirst
So delicate and driven, a familiar scent

Do I turn to the snake? No!
I'd let it snatch my face in it's own time
Give me a day with him.

He's like a Greek monument, so don't shame me for slipping a hand.
He grasps pearls of desire and places them around my throat
He too wears his wings with pride, on salty skin just like it's for my sight.

I smile into the crushed snake
It couldn't handle the pressure of his nature.
Mother's eyes are watching, I know
Mother's shaking her head....

Upwards we ascend, from one hell into another
Pleasing myself on an amplitude unknown to me, him, and you.

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