5 The Plan

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We spent most of the day playing and swimming in the river before heading home hand in hand happily talking about our plans to try making fishing baskets 

Once we got back to our den I immediately ran in and launched myself on our bed wriggling around feeling the soft fur brush against my skin I'm in heaven 

Mason smiles at me in the doorway before letting his face go serious "As much as I would love to keep you all to myself you need more mates I cant keep leaving you alone while I hunt for food" He said in a serious tone 

I know he isn't upset with me but I feel bad I had told Mary how important it was to have multiple mates without thinking about the strain I have be putting on my own male for not considering taking at least a second one for now

I stand up wrapping my arms around Masons waist leaning my head against his chest in a soft embrace "I'm sorry Mason it must have been hard for you to have to bring this up on your own I didn't mean to worry you but I do plan on taking more mates" I say letting the weight of those words sink in as I nuzzle into his chest

Mason pets my head while breathing out a sigh of relief it seems he was worried about how I would take him bringing it up "I have no right to tell you what to do but I'm worried if a fight had broken out back at the river I'm not sure I could have protected you on my own I know I'm strong but their are stronger out their and when they have me outnumbered I'm at a disadvantage I'm sorry Rose" As he said this he pulled me in closer his voice shaking as he gets out every painful word

It breaks my heart to see him like this my sweet puppy should only have happy thoughts but here I am having put him in a situation where he has to feel so vulnerable I give him a small peck on the lips before smiling up at him "Are any of the males that have been following me suitable or do we need to go to some other villages or maybe a city to find me more suitable mates" I tilt my head deep in thought about all the possible ways to find at least one other mate

I think back to the novel and the mates Mary ended up taking 'Mary had multiple mates by the end of the book a lot of them fell for her innocence and pity for males having to be shared. Other then Troy she had 2 prince mates a deer or I guess a buck (meaning male deer) and a peacock and they were around 3 or 4 stripes tho I'm not interested in the peacock since I remember him being extremely vain. She had a lion, snake and a merman too but the later 2 were super possessive and caused a lot of problems in the novel but the biggest issue is they had the highest amount of stripes one being 5 and the other having 6 it isn't the highest amount you can get since I know of a king that has 8 stripes in one of the city's but it will still be dangerous to be their enemy'

I'm almost jolted out of my thoughts by Mason shaking me as if trying to wake me up "I have been calling your name for a while are you not feeling well?" Mason says with evident worry in his voice

"Oh yes I'm fine sorry I was deep in my thoughts it seems maybe it will be best for us to go to one of the bigger city's to peruse a mate but is that ok I know your the chief" 

Mason looks at me smiling as he combs his fingers though my hair "We can leave any time you want I can hand the title over to the next strongest" He says with an almost nonchalant tone

I look him over with surprise 'I had assumed the title of chief was more important then that but I guess the responsibility isn't as crazy as being a king here' 

"What city should we go to then? And do we have the funds to buy a residence their since it is probably safer to raise our cubs in a city then anywhere else" I say with excitement apparent in my voice

Mason stiffens up a bit before a smile full of love appears on his face and he brings me into a tight embrace "You really love cubs dont you? When the beast god allows us to have them I hope they are every bit as wonderful as you" 

I feel a flush wash over my face as I take in his sweet words feeling helpless against the way this man makes me feel

Mason then gets serious again as we sit on the bed "Their are 3 big city's that we could go to the closest being lavender city ruled by the fox king and the peacock king it is only about a weeks travel so I would suggest going their as the other city's are about a months travel in opposite directions I dont mind if you want to go to the other city's but I would prefer you take a few new mates first" 

As I listen to Masons explanation I think about lavender city 'I'm pretty sure that is the city Mary got her peacock prince mate from so I will have to avoid him but other then that I do think maybe a fox mate might be nice'

I nod and smile up at at my sweet puppy looking oh so serious "How soon can we move?" I ask tilting my head in question

Mason looks to be thinking as he scrunches up his eyebrows before saying "3 days should be enough time to prepare and put someone else in change but I think we should put making your fishing baskets on hold since they will be hard to travel with"

I nod in understanding before bringing back up one of my earlier questions now that it is decided "Do we have the funds for a small den in the city?" I say with a questioning gaze 

'I dont want want to push my hubby about his financial stability but it is kinda important to know if we are even going to have a place to live their'

Mason then smiles taking his pouch from his waits shaking it so I can hear the jingling "I have 12 clear crystals and one green it isn't as much as I would like but it will get us a medium house in one of the lower districts of the city"

"That is perfect Mason how did I get so lucky to have such a reliable mate?" I say as I almost jump for joy with how exited I am 'The trip will be dangerous but it will be worth it'

"Oh now that we are done with that and are no longer going to make fishing baskets I want to visit the healer I'm a bit... sore from last nights activity's.." I say with a furious blush as I squirm in embarrassment 

Mason lifts me up princess style and carry's my out with a smirk on his face as he leans in to my ear as he whispers "We better get you their then otherwise we wont get to try for those cubs you want oh so much when your in heat"

I feel a tingle up my spine but stay quiet for the rest of my trip ' I'm going to have to tell him about my period soon it is a dangerous thing in this world but if I get pregnant before my next one I wont have to worry about hiding it for a while so hopefully my body is nice and fertile'

Once we get to the healers I get Mason to put me down while we knock from the other side I hear a very flustered voice shouting "I'm coming!"   I hear things breaking before a very red looking bear beastman opens the door revealing Mary sitting on one of the hides on his floor 

"Welcome what can I do for you female?" The male says looking very embarrassed 'seems like we might have interrupted something' Mary spots me at the door and glares before turning her head away

'Guess she dose not like me anymore.. it could be a problem but I'm not sure if their is anything I can do at least I'm moving away soon' I shrug before turning to who I assume is the healer " I'm sorry for interrupting you I just wanted to see if you have anything that is soothing you see I mated for the first time last night and I'm quite sore now" I say with a blush tinting my cheeks 

The male nods in understanding and turns to Mason "The payment is 1 clear crystal I will make and deliver the balm later on tonight" 

Mason nods before handing him a crystal from his pouch and once again lifting me up to go home 

The next few days went by in a flash I spend most of it with Mason talking to other males about the duty's he was handing over and giving them tips about how to prepare for the cold season we sold all the hides on our bed and managed to get another 2 clear crystals for them it seems like a small amount but you do need to fight smaller colossus to get them after all so when you think about that it makes sense I felt very lucky I didn't run into Mary again in this time as I can only assume from the glare she gave me she was holding a grudge but as it wound around to day 3 we were packed up and ready to go 

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