6 Lavender City

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The journey to Lavender City was a hard one what was meant to be a weeks travel we almost cut in half by moving non stop day and night 

 Mason was worried that the trip might be too strenuous for me but getting to the safety of the city walls as fast as possible was our main priority it wouldn't have been good if we had met any ferals or rootless beasts in the forest with only Mason to protect me so we decided that was the best option we had 

Thankfully as the sun was setting on the 4th day we could finally see the city gates on the horizon my whole body aches, my crotch hurts from constantly riding Mason and my back feels like it is going to snap in two but at least I was able to nap on Masons back every now and again my poor puppy must be exhausted he has been running for 4 days straight with no sleep and only a little rest 

As we approached the city we saw 2 guards stationed at the gates as well as others patrolling outside the wall 

'It seems security is tight here. Good this will be a safe place for us to live' I think nodding my head in approval as I dismount my very tired looking mate feeling my legs almost give out with how shaky they are but I push on 'only a short while and I can rest'

"Welcome female please state your business in the city" Says one of the guards they are both peacock males and look almost identical they also have pretty dark green hair it looks silky and shiny too 'I wonder what they use to keep their hair so nice?' 

"Me and my mate wish to move to the city" I say trying to hide the exhaustion from my voice as the guards nod and let us through before adding "You will most likely get summoned to meet the kings since they like to know all the females that take up residence here" The guard says with a proud look on his face 

"Thank you I appreciate the information" I say before speeding up Mason had transformed back into his beastman form and already had my hand to lead me to the place we can spend the night so we are rested before going den hunting tomorrow Mason had apparently visited the city before he was the chief and knew the general layout of the place so it was easy for us to find the temporary lodging 

It was a small room with what seems to be a double bed made of hides so luckily even if it is a bit of a squeeze it is enough room for us

 snuggling up close as we both fall into a deep sleep 

I wake up to light tapping and Mason whispering my name as I slowly open my eyes feeling almost blinded by the sun as the rays of light enter through the window

I sit up looking around and stretching before letting my eyes land on Mason he has already packed our stuff up so we are ready to leave I smile at him at I pat his head

" How are you so thoughtful? You didn't get any sleep the last couple days I'm surprised you didn't sleep the whole day" I say as I jest a scolding tone I look him up and down I can still see bags under his eyes so I can only assume he forced himself up early 

"Once we get a den I promise I will sleep more but that needs to be done in the day and we slept most of the morning away already" He says with a guilty look as his ears droop

"Well lets go then I cant have my sweet and thoughtful mate pushing himself anymore then this" I say as I pat him on the head with a cheerful smile 

On the way to the den seller we managed to pick to some yummy looking kababs on the market street they were made of pork and made the perfect pick me up before our busy day 

Once visiting the den seller we were told me could pick from 2 dens within our budget that being a green crystal we couldn't use all our clear crystals too because we need those to buy hides for our bed and anything else we might need for our new house I was a little bummed about the idea of using all the crystals but Mason assured me he could get more when I have enough mates to protect me while he is gone

Rose in the BeastworldOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora