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Current time.
Josh's pov.
I was talking to Mila-My best friend in the garden.
We are currently in Mumbai because we had to attend Arvi- our other best friend's wedding. She just got married some hours ago.

I was about to say something but my ringtone interrupted me.

I pick up the call after looking at the caller Id.
"Yes Mr. Mendes". I say. Jack Mendes has been my Personal assistant for three years now.

"Sir we have a problem". He says in a shaky voice.

"What problem?". I ask in a serious tone.

"Sir actually someone has hacked into our system, and we can't find out who is it. Our cyber security team has tried every possible way to detect but it's not working out". He says.

What the hell are they doing? They can't even take care of the company for a few days.

"WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU DOING WHEN THAT SHIT HAPPENED? HOW THE HELL SOMEONE HACKED OUR SO STRONG SYSTEM? WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING?". I yell at him on the phone and Mila flinches a bit as she was sitting beside me.

"We are trying our best sir ,but your presence might be required here an-". I cut him off.

"Send my private jet here, I'll leave tomorrow morning". I say trying to be calm.

"O-Okay sir". He stutter and I cut the call.

"What happened?". Mila asks as soon as I cut the call.

"There is some emergency in my company. I'll have to leave early in the morning tomorrow". I say breathing heavily.

"Okay but relax first. Tell me what happened?". She asks.

"Someone has hacked our system, there is such important information that can't be leaked, and my bloody useless team can't find out who is it or how to solve the problem". I say gritting my teeth.

"Oh! Don't worry, you'll tackle it anyway, go and pack your suitcase till then I'll make you coffee to calm you down". She says and I nod slowly and walk to my room.

I put my belongings in my suitcase randomly and I can't zip the suitcase because of it.

"This bloody zip". I say angrily throwing the suitcase on the floor.

"What the-Josh. Your finger is bleeding". Mila says running towards me.
She puts the coffee on the side table and takes out the first aid kit from the drawer.

"Who cares about a finger when my bussines is getting ruined?". I say jerking my hand away from her.

"Shut up and show me your finger". She says in a warning tone.
Let's not mess with an angry Mila.

I quickly show her my finger and she started bandaging it.

"Done". She says and closes the box.

"Now drink your coffee, I'll pack your things". She says and I nod.

She calmly packs all my stuff while I just drink my coffee while thinking about my company. Iam gonna get in big trouble if Dad gets to find out. I should not let that happen.

"Mil, Iam really worried". I say.

"Don't be. Everything will be alright". She says patting my shoulder.

"But what if it won't?". I ask her.

"Come on Josh, from when did you started saying negative things? You know you can do anything if you want and I want you to remember it. Now please get rest for sometime, you have to go back tomorrow". She says and I sigh and give her the empty cup.

"Iam switching off the lights". She says and I humm.

Timeskip to morning.
Iam already in my jet. It's been 7 hours and Iam getting restless as the time passes.
I was working on my laptop until I get a call.
It's from Arvi.
I pick up her call and talked to her for sometime and then continue working on my laptop.
I need to find a solution as soon as possible.

I reach in California after 13 hours and go straight to my office rather than going home.

As soon as I enter the office, I was welcomed with darkness. These are not office hours.

I go straight to my cabin and call my PA.

He picks up the call and I say.

"Come to the office in fifteen and call all our cyber security team". I say and cut the call before he could say anything.

All of them reach in half an hour and we all settle in the meeting room.

"So what have you guys been doing?". I ask in a serious tone.

"Sir we are trying-". I cut him off.

"I need results". I say banging on the table and they all flinch a bit.

"Sir there....there is a white hat hacker who could solve this problem. We were waiting for you to approve so that we could talk to her". My PA says.

"Her? It's a girl?". I ask.

"Yes sir". He says.

"Then fucking contact her and solve this problem in a day. Give her how much she wants, but get it done. Somehow or more like anyhow". I say and they all nod slowly.

"What's her name by the way?". I ask sitting in the chair.

"Isabella Williams". A man says.
Have I heard this name before? Why does it feel familiar?

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