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Josh's pov.
It was already Saturday as time lapsed.
It's been a week to Mom's birthday and I haven't seen Dad after that, not that I want to.
I was preoccupied with all office work in my home study as our company is usually closed on Saturdays and sundays.

I focused on nothing but my work until a ringtone took me out of my trance.

I picked up the call and other person said.

"What are you doing today?". His British accent totally amazed me as I heard his voice.

"You can't be asking me what Iam doing today after disappearing for six months, Mr. Andrew Peterson".

Andrew Peterson, known to be playboy of the group and he is none other than my childhood friend.
We used to have the bond that everyone envied of, but as time passed, we got lost in our own eventful life and disconnected from each other but he contacted me for the first time after a while an year ago.

At first, I failed to recognize his voice as he had the perfect British accent after living in United kingdom for more than 8 years of his life.

"You know that I had some event coming up, that's why I left for Spain". He flaunted his accent again making me realize that how much of British he has become.

"Okay so let's come to the point. How did you realize that you have a friend back in the United States?". Sarcasm overflowing from my voice.

"Stop being sarcastic and let's meet up. You can't deny because I very well know you don't have office today, and bring your friend too". His voice bloomed when he said your friend.

"What friend are you talking about?". I appear as a overprotective friend.

"Definitely the hot one".

"Use appropriate words while talking about my friends Andrew or you'll be underground six ft and believe me no one would be able to find your bones". I remark and he started laughing.

"Relax josh, Iam just kidding. I just thought of the saying that goes like The more the merrier".

"Where do you want to catch up?". I changed the topic as I didn't want to hear his useless talks about my friends.

"At your club, Be at 9 pm".


"You're bringing your friend right?". His words fueled my angst ever more.

"Mila has a boyfriend, and even if she didn't, I don't think you would have stand a chance with her". I babbled.

"Don't worry, she is not married yet". Cockiness dripped from his words and I grit my teeth.

"I'm hanging up". I hung up and Shake my head. His playboy nature would drown him into the drain someday.

I divert my mind back to the files until another ringtone grabbed my attention.

"Yes zain?".

"Sir Iam Sorry for disturbing you but we have a serious matter coming up". Panic was clearly heard in his voice.

"Break it down zain". My serious voice echoed in my study.

"Sir actually the issue is Mr. Smith came to meet me today". He proceeds his speech.

"He asked me about some contract with  Miss Williams, as I was not aware of anything, I just simply told him that I have no idea. Can you tell me what contract was he talking about?". Curiosity clicked his mind as he said those words.

Zain and jack have been like my brothers and I don't conceal anything from them. Especially related to my company and stuff.

"He ordered me to fire Miss bella, so i just made it up".

"But what now sir? I think he won't be convinced until he actually sees the contract".

"I got that some days ago, but I was hesitant but that's enough. Tell our legal head to make a contact, I'll send you the details".

"But would Miss Williams accept that?". His question made me wonder.

Am I again going to force my ways onto her? I think I've made enough trouble for her, but I can't compromise anything for my company.

"Don't worry zain, she has nothing to lose anyway. She just has to work for us for three years and nothing more".

"But sir, what if she wants to change her job in future? That's not a great ideas to deal with this issue".

"Let me do my work Zain and do what I asked you to, I don't care if she wants to change her job in future or not because I don't give a damn about that. All matters to me is my company which I've worked for day and night".

No one, literally no one but I knows how much I've worked for this. I skipped parties for this company. I sacrificed my sleep just to prove Dad that Iam capable for this position. I did all I could just for the  company and I won't let my hard work go in vain just because of a fucking lie.

"Got it sir, I'll tell the legal head to do just as you asked". I just hummed after hearing him.

"Anything else Zain?". I find myself asking because he usually hangs up after saying what he wanted to say.

"Sir actually I didn't mean to but I overheard Chairman, he was talking to Mr. Anderson and what he said shocked me, I don't know if I should tell you or not".

"He is planning your marriage with Mr. Anderson's daughter".

I quickly stand up from the chair loosing my mind.

"What are you talking about? What marriage? How that topic even came up?". Terror was only thing that could be sensed from my voice.

"Sir you know that he has to give his position to you because you're the CEO but that's not possible before you turn twenty-eight. And You very well how Mr. Anderson is beneficial for our company. I found something fishy about their conversation so I decided to investigate, I found out that Mr. Anderson came up with a proposal that if you as in Josh smith Marries his only daughter, he'll give you all the shares in upcoming board meeting, which is going to take place as soon as you turn twenty-eight. So Mr. Smith decided that it would be best for everyone if you marry Mr. Anderson's daughter". His voice comes to a halt as my breathe started getting heavy.

"Sir please relax". His words were audible but my mind decided to shut off all the noises. The only thing that was keeping my mind busy was the word marriage.

I hate marriages. I don't want to marry ever because marriage is just a loophole you get stuck into. You just totally depend on the other person and when they actually leave, you find nothing, not even yourself.

"I won't marry ever, I won't". My breathe hitches as his next words comes out of his mouth.

"Then you'll lose your company, you'll lose everything you've worked so hard for, you'll lose your everything sir".

I quickly cut the call and throws my phone on the wall with all the force I had left in my body. That phone breaks into pieces just like my hopes.

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