Chapter 27: Innocent Valentine

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As weeks go on, the teasing seems to be letting up. Not by much sadly but enough for me to be able to breathe again. Thankfully Ariel can read the room and doesn't sit next to me in our fundamentals class. Everyone says I'm being harsh but it's the only way for me to show how I feel. Ariel just goes along with it too so why feel bad? He's just as uncomfortable as I am!

However, that time of year is coming. At first, I'm excited about it but then the teasing comes on strong again. It'll be Valentine's Day soon which also happens to be daddy's birthday! But it also means it's Love Day and everyone thinks we will exchange valentines because we are supposedly soulmates. Why would I ever do that? If anyone gets one from me, it will be someone beautiful like Danny or Brandon! Not someone like Ariel.

I sigh and make my way to the mess hall for lunch. I just need to clear my head and get away from all the whispers... seriously does no one have anything else better to do?! I wish Chris never mentioned marriage... but then someone else would have. I don't blame her and she already apologized to me. It doesn't stop Scar from teasing me from time to time though.

"Hey, Ally!" I perk up as I see my godfather walking up to me. "Oh hi!" I beam happily. He's usually with Ariel so I have to avoid him but I don't see him anywhere now. "Going to get some lunch?" I ask curiously. Jason chuckles and nods. "Oh yes... I also need to take a mental break. My project is taking a lot out of me." I tilt my head. He still has some homework and projects while being a teaching assistant. If he passes everything these next two years, he will become a full teacher. I can't wait for that! He will be the best teacher ever! Very funny and all!

"Don't worry about me kiddo." Jason went on after ordering his lunch. I quickly do the same while he continues. "This is something I enjoy so I don't mind getting tired or frustrated. Once I can get the results I need... everyone will be happier for it." I hum softly at his words. I'm not sure what he means but take his word for it. I'm sure it's something I can't help with anyway.

"If you say so! I'm sure you'll get it in no time. You have a big brain after all." I say cheerfully making him chuckle again. "That I do." He pats the top of my head and looks around. He spots Professor Sable and looks back down at me. "I have to give my report so I have to part ways with you here. See you later in class." He says before walking off leaving me alone. I try not to feel disappointed. At least he isn't leaving me to go and sit with Ariel... I look for him and see him sitting with Brandon.

As I look at them, I note the matching bracelets on their wrists. When did they get those? I then shake my head. Why do I feel jealous all of a sudden? First because of Jason then mommy and now Brandon... I need to stop acting this way. I go over to an empty spot and sit down since I don't see Chris, Danny, or Scar. I know Scar is working with our potions teacher to learn more but I don't know where Chris and Danny are. I sigh feeling lonely as I start to eat my lunch.

Meanwhile, I hear whispers. It's more of the same yet directed more towards Ariel than me. I'm happy about it but still listen.

"Hey look at that. Alyssa is all alone while Ariel is with one of his boy toys..."

"He's collected two already. First Assistant Hill and now that dark arts guy?"

"Well, he really is a freak. Seduced my uncle too."

I tense at the last voice and look over seeing a group of older students. The leader is Simon Moonfall and he's looking at Ariel with dark eyes full of disgust. What does he mean by seduce? Isn't that an adult word? Why would Ariel do something weird like that? I continue to listen curious and confused.

"Oh did he? That's weird..." One person murmurs while Simon shrugs. "He's always been that way, acting all weak and like he needs someone to cling to. Funny enough it's always a man he can dig his nails into." He scowls. "Uncle Sebastian was always a nice guy but then that thing there made Dad kick him out. Who would want to touch that skinny thing? He must have done something! Stupid little brat..."

They continue to murmur with each other while I shudder. This sounds like a past event but the bitterness is still fresh. Ariel was only twelve like me when he got here... there's no way he'd want some guy to touch him. And if it was bad enough that even big and mean Silas kicked him out? It must have been really bad then! I frown deeply and glare at my food. I'm not big enough to stand up to Simon, not without getting hurt.

I swallow back annoyance and start to eat again. I look back over to Ariel who is laughing and enjoying his meal with his friend. He looks so carefree and innocent... what has he gone through at home? Simon is making someone like Silas look like a saint at this point. I don't know when I can ask since I'm sure if we talk, the teasing and rumors will just get worse and now he seems ok. After our first year though... I push the thought away. Well, there's nothing I can do about it! I continue to eat and just try to forget about the venom I heard in Simon's voice and my fears of when he returns home.



After learning of Valentine's Day, I decided to make something nice for my special people. I don't think Ally would appreciate getting anything from me right now yet I still make sure something too. I'm getting more confident in my crafting skills and end up making four cards and a few charms they can attach to their bags. I really hope they like them...

On the big day, I get ready and head to class. I won't be able to hand out one until lunch... but the others I can! When spell casting starts I take out two and hold them out to Akana. He blinks in surprise and takes them. "What's this?" I smile shyly. "W-well... I heard today you give a gift to someone special... and well I have several special people. One for you... the yellow one. The pink one well... I can't give it to her without her getting mad so... I figure you can hand it to her."

Akana nods. "Ok. I'll hand it to her later." He opens up his card and his yellow eyes soften. "Aww... you're so sweet kiddo. Thank you very much. You've made my day." I beam at his words. I'm glad he likes it! He reminds me of a black cat so that's what I drew on his card. For Ally, I drew a multicolored cat since she is Akana's daughter and I thought it was cute. "That charm you can attach to whatever you want. Think of it as good luck." I say cheerfully. He nods and pats the top of my head. "You're such a sweetheart..." he puts them away after attaching his purple and white charm to his belt then my spell casting lesson starts.

Later that day I manage to get Jason's attention and I hand him his card. "Here you go! You're a special person to me so..." I trail off. Jason watches me and then chuckles. "You're so innocent." He ruffles my hair making me whine. He attaches the charm to his coat which is teal and black and opens his card. Ok his card, I drew a big teddy bear hugging a little sheep since that's how I saw him. Someone who always had my back and I could hug as if he was a big teddy. He nods and smiles. "I'll hold them both dear. Thanks, Ari, I'll cherish it always." I giggle and beam happily. At least I'm making everyone happy.

At lunch, I look around for Brandon then walk over to him. "Hello!" He smiles at him. "Happy Valentine's Day... what's this?" He asks as I shyly hold out his card and charm. "Well... I-I heard that you're supposed to give a special person something... I had a few so... I wanted to give all of them something. You're one of them." Brandon raises an eyebrow at me but takes the card. "Thanks, Ari." He takes them. "May I open it here?" When I nod, he shakes his head. "So innocent..."

I frown. What does being innocent have to do with anything? I watch him open the card. I had given each their own words inside to express my gratitude to them along with a drawing. For Brandon, I drew a wolf because he seems loyal but also protective. His charm is dark blue like his eyes and black to match his ropes. He nods and smiles at me. "You're so sweet." He pokes my cheek. "I don't think you know what Valentine's Day means though."

I feel confused but then gasp when he places his cheek on my cheek. "Sure, Ari. I'll be your valentine." He winks and pulls back. I can tell my face bright red. "H-huh?!" I touch my cheek and watch him with wide eyes. Brandon looks more amused than anything. "You're so cute, Ari. Now eat." He starts to eat now. How can he be so calm? Why did he do that? I can hear whispers again and feel like my ears are burning too.

What a weird day... but I guess it isn't so bad... I don't know what being my Valentine means, but I don't hate it either. He doesn't look disgusted even after putting his lips on my cheek either. It didn't feel gross either... not like when Uncle Sebastian did it to me. I shift my stomach feeling funny. I wonder what this feeling is that I'm feeling... is this what they mean by innocent?

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