Chapter 36: Tearful Reunion

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I sit and stare at the child lying in bed. He breathes softly like he's not dreaming and yet tosses and turns like he is. This boy is who I've taught all school year.

A Moonfall who was chosen for the school of light for the first time. One that was so unlike any of his family: shy, timid, anxious, and sweet.

A boy with rare hand magic like me. One who can hear spells as simple words. One that excels in magic so easily yet doesn't get smug or arrogant.

Just a simple change of his hair... in his name... that's all it took to hide his identity from me. I've been haunted by the disappearance of my son for so long and now thirteen years later, here he is. He's been in front of me all this time. My baby... my Ariel...

He never picked the name I wanted to give him. How did he know? I doubt Silas ever told him. He picked it on his own during his wand choosing too.

As I watch my son sleep, I feel tears burning in my eyes. My vision blurs as I try to hold it in. "Akana..." I hear my husband murmur my name and I lean into him. "It's ok to cry... don't hold it in, love." He kisses the top of my head.

I can't yet. If I let loose any tears then I won't be able to stop. I want to stay strong for now until I can finally break down. "I get it..." I look up at him. Phoenix looks very angry one of his eyes staying red. I'm sure he wants to beat Silas up. I have many words to tell him too but neither of us wants to leave the kids.

Ally is sleeping in a bed next to Ariel's. She didn't want to leave her twin, not after she called him evil for days. She has a lot to make sure is what she said... but we all have to make up for lost time. I don't know how Ariel will react. The moment he started to see the truth, he passed out.

I shake my head and nuzzle Nix's chest. "I'm fine... I won't cry until I know we're in the clear..." Nix snorts. "I feel the same way... but I won't until I punch that arrogant bastard's face." He mutters. I sigh and pat his cheek to try and calm him down. Oh, my poor hotheaded love... who knew that he'd give that trait to our daughter?

"Hey... everything going alright?" Jason asks as he walks into the room. He gives us both some water and looks at Ariel quietly. Such a smart thing... he was able to prove that Ariel was our missing child. How long had he suspected it? I know someone like him always makes sure to get his story straight and to gather proof.

He notices I'm watching him. "Hey... I'm sorry this happened." Confused at why he's apologizing, he continues. "I was so excited to show everyone that I didn't think of the threat looming about. Had I thought about it longer... he wouldn't have been attacked." He looks at Ariel sadly. "Poor thing... Ari's been through a lot this year. I'm just glad that he will be going where he belongs... with parents who deserve him."

I can't help but smile. "It's ok... you always promised to find him. I thought it was just you being nice... you were just a little kid at the time. The youngest godfather ever." He chuckles at that. "I didn't expect you to keep it. But I'm glad you did... thank you, Jason. I'll forever be in your debt." Jason blushes a bit. "Oh gosh no! I don't want you to be indebted to be forever!" I giggle as he seems so flustered. He's such a funny young man...

Phoenix clears his throat and holds out his hand. "Thanks, man. I appreciate what you've done." He says. Jason smiles and shakes his hand. "No problem." He looks back to Ariel. "I'm glad I was able to be in his corner all year... I didn't suspect it back then. I could tell he was going through things... having panic attacks like that reminded me of you, Akana. As he kept having them, I wanted to help him through it. Then he had very few friends..." he sighs

That's true. Back when I first lost my baby, I kept having panic attacks. If Ally was out of my sight for even a second, I found myself unable to breathe. To think that would pass on to one of my kids... I hate going through it myself but for a little kid? It must be super scary for him. What did those Moonfall guys do to my poor baby?!

I sniffle and rub my eyes while Nix holds me close. At least my nightmare has ended... as I watch Ariel breathe, I know he's alive and with us now. It may take time for him to come around... but I do hope he can accept us.



As my dream fades I snap awake and shoot up. I pant heavily and look around. Where's Christian? Wait... Christian? My dream starts to fade from my memories which frustrates me. Why does this always happen? I look around and frown. "...?" Why are the Rose's all around me? Ally in a bed... Phoenix and Akana in chairs dozing by my bed... what's going on?

Feeling dazed and confused, I climb out of bed and make my way over to the door. I'm in the nurse's office again... I've been here so many times this year. I wish I didn't get hurt so much... I head out and go over to a window to look out. It's a pretty day out today... where is everyone anyway?

"Ari?" I blink and look over as Brandon rushes over. "You're awake!" He hugs me. "I'm so relieved... they haven't let me visit you as often. I guess the Rose's wanted you all to themselves." I feel confused. Why would they...? I remember the trial suddenly.

Seeing my face pale, Brandon looks taken aback. "Wait... did you just wake up? What are you doing up and about?" He takes my arm but I start to shake as my head swims. Why did Phoenix call me my son? And why didn't Father say anything about it?

"Hey!" Brandon keeps me steady. "Don't pass out again. It's ok... come with me." He says and leads me away. I stumble after him but he only takes me to a bathroom. "Ok... don't freak out. Just look at yourself in the mirror." I frown. Why does he want that? "Just trust me... have I ever let you down?"

No, he hasn't... I take a deep breath to brace myself and walk in front of the mirror. I move my hair to stay in front of my eyes since I don't like to look at them and then look at myself. I blink and rub my eyes thinking that I'm just seeing things then look again.

Instead of my black hair that reminds me of Father's, it's blonde. Like really blonde to the point of being white. I look a bit paler too only being just a little paler than my family before. When I see myself now... I am reminded of Phoenix. Why do I look like a mini Phoenix suddenly?

Brandon walks behind me and watches quietly. "Assistant Hill proved that you weren't behind any of the attacks... but he also proved that you're the missing Rose twin." I pale and start to shake. "I don't know the whole story... but the moment it was revealed the Dark One attacked you... so if anything... I think Dean Moonfall saved your life."

My mind starts to race. So... it's really true? Father... isn't my dad? Mother... isn't my mom? My whole life is a lie? Tears make my eyes burn and I whimper as Brandon hugs me from behind. "Shh... it's ok. This must be so confusing for you..." he sighs as I lean back into him. I went through the punishment room... I was called a freak... I was hated by everyone... and I'm not even their son?

"Ari!!!" I jump as I hear Jason calling out to me. "Ariel!" That's Ally's voice. Brandon smiles at me. "They must be worried about you... I'll stay with you if you want." I tremble a bit but nod. "W-Will you? T-thank you..." we walk out and immediately I hear rushed footsteps towards me. I pale and immediately hide behind Brandon who's a head taller than me.

"Ari!" Jason sounds so relieved while Ally stops seeing me hide. She hesitates before running off the other way. "I'll get momma!" I swallow hard and peek out from behind him. "Don't run off like that! We were all super worried." He runs a hand through his hair.

I swallow hard. "I-I... I just woke up a-and... didn't know why... I was surrounded..." I stammer. Jason smiles sadly. "Ari..." I then hear stumbling footsteps and see Akana coming towards us. "Relax..." I hear Brandon whisper. "Let him hug you... let him cry... I'll stay here but let him have this moment." I tense but seeing the look on Brandon's face makes me nod.

When he moves out of the way, I gasp as Akana hugs me tight. I stay stiff while he cries and trembles against me. "My baby..." my heart starts to ache. How much pain has he gone through? I hesitate before hugging him back tears coming to my eyes. "I-I'm sorry..." I whisper while Akana just cries against me. I see Ally and Phoenix staying behind. Phoenix looks so... sad for once. Even if one eye is red, he doesn't look like he wants to kill me. So... this is my family?

I feel tears fall freely from my face. I was taken from them... they thought I was dead. Akana's such a nice person... how could Father do something like this? He didn't even like me... treat me right... why did he do something so selfish? I want to ask him... I think I can face him... so I will find out why I had to go through what I did. I need to know... I want to know.

Raven's School of Magic: Year OneDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora