Chapter 35

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My Valentine's date with Maxwell was amazing. It may have brought some bad memories, but it was still amazing. After our date ended I woke up in my bed. I don't remember how I got there, but that was where I woke up. I was so glad that I had finally told Maxwell about Violet. I finally have that off my chest. Today was Saturday and I couldn't wait to sleep in, watch movies, and eat junk food.

Maxwell had been acting weird all day. He would text me every 5 minutes asking if I was okay. I was perfectly fine. Maybe he thought since I talked about Violet I would have a breakdown, but my parents took us to therapy for a whole year just to make sure we let everything out and to make sure we were okay and wouldn't become psychotic.

"I want some Twix and Snickers." I mumbled to myself as I looked through the cabinets. I searched and searched and searched. We didn't have any. Crap. I want some right now. I grabbed my keys and wallet before heading out to my car. I drove to the nearest store and bought a ton of choclate. I love chocolate!

As I was walking to my car I felt like someone was watching me. I felt creeped out, so I tried to get to my car faster. Just as I was about to get in someone grabbed me and placed a cloth over my mouth and nose. I tried to scream and squirm around. My brain felt foggy and everything was becoming blurry. Then everything went black and I don't remember what happened after that.


My head was pounding. It felt as if I had smashed my head against a rock multiple times. I opened my eyes and immediately regretted it. There was a bright light and it hurt my eyes. I blinked a couple of times before before my eyes became adjusted. My hands were tied and were tied to a pole that was above my head. My legs were tied up as well. I looked around and saw that we were in some sort of factory. I wonder how long I've been here? Wherever "here" is.

"Ah, I see you are awake. How do you feel?" A deep voice asked.

"Like hell." I heard him chuckle. His footsteps were getting closer.

"Allow me to introduce myself. I am Nathaniel Anderson." In front of me stood a tall man who looks to be in his 40's. He had black hair with some grey on the sides. He had these icy, deep, dark blue eyes.

"What do you want from me? I don't know who you are." He gave me a smile before nodding his head.

"Of course you don't know me. Someone like you would never go into the business that I do. Only men tend to come, unless a woman wants extra cash." I shivered as he ran his finger against my neck. "Maybe I could use someone like you."

"Go to hell." Before I knew what happened he punched me. I spit out blood from where he punched my lip.

"Such a pity. Here I thought we would become the best of friends. Maxwell owes me."

"And what does that have to do with me." I sneered at him.

"You see my dear, Maxwell has become very fond of you. If I kidnapped you he would come running to save you and when he does I will make sure he suffers. By watching you get beat until you die. Doesn't that sound fun?" He let an emotionless laugh and started to walk away. I tried to free my hands and move around to get the rope loose, but nothing worked.

"It's no use." A voice called out. This voice wasn't like Nathaniel's.

"Well I have to try. I won't die here." I heard footsteps come closer. I looked up to see a boy who looked to be my age maybe a little older. He had a well built body and the most beautiful eyes. They were the most greenest eyes I had ever seen. He had short dirty blonde hair.

"I wish I could help, but boss' orders. I'm only here to give you food and water."

"What if I have to go to the bathroom?"

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