23. Promises and Poison

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Athulya's Pov

After hastily catching a flight, we were back in India, Veer and I together. Sadly, I couldn't find my pendant.

Maybe sometimes we have to lose something to find something else.

Now, we stood in front of the door, ringing the bell. It swung open, revealing my entire family, gathered there. Ansh ran towards me, wrapping his arms around my knees in a tight hug.

"See, I promised you that everything would be okay," I whispered to him as he nestled against me, nodding in agreement and planting a kiss on my cheek.

"Tell me, where did you find this man? I'm not going to let him off easily," Aarushi's voice cut through the air from behind us.

I shot a smirk in Veer's direction before turning back to the family. "Let them come inside," Ma intervened, ushering everyone in. As we entered, I noticed Aarav sitting on the sofa, his expression clearly displaying his irritation. He never did quite master the art of anger.

As soon as we sat down, Ma wasted no time in pulling both of our ears, and we winced in discomfort.

"Ma, we aren't kids anymore," I protested, but she simply tightened her grip on my ear.

"What did you tell us before leaving for Australia?" she demanded, not releasing my ears.

"Did I tell you anything?" I winced as she tightened her grip. "Fine, just let go of my ears first. Ouch..."

"I... I told you that I was going for a deal," I admitted, trying to pry her hand away from my ears.

I was just grateful she didn't resort to using her slippers or rolling pin instead. I glanced at Dadi, hoping for some support, but even she appeared to have switched sides.

"And?" Aarav finally spoke , not sparing a glance at me.

"And I am taking Robin and others with me-- " Before I could finish , Ma pulled twitched my ears again.

"Aaram se Ma, aap mujhe khargosh bna doge" They all brusted in laugh hearing this.

(Lightly Ma, you will make me a rabbit.)

"Aacha hai khargosh bankar kuch dimaag to aayega"

(It's good, you will get some brain after becoming a rabbit)

"You're implying she's a fool, Badi Ma? Seriously? Hmph... I swear, even a half-brain wouldn't tolerate such insults." Vihan's words dripped with sarcasm, his smirk widening as he spoke.

"What else can I call her? She lied to us and went off alone. She doesn't even care about anyone else," Ma remarked, her disappointment evident in her tone.

"I wanted to go alone, that's why..." I admitted.

"You could have just said that directly, why do you always choose to lie?" Ma's disappointment was palpable.

"Sorry, Ma. I promise, from next time..."

"What's with the sorry, Ashu? You're sorry every time. I'm not scolding you because you lied or went alone, but because we were scared for you. The past is the past, and we don't want it to repeat. I don't want to lose you..." She sobbed, pulling me into a tight hug.

How could I explain to her about the life I'm living or the enemies I've made? I'm already in a losing game, and I never know if I'll see the next sunrise.

Now she turned to Veer, it's his turn now.

"And you .."

"Ma, I just had some work to do, so I went to finish it," Veer replied.

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