Chapter 1

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The family is modern, they've made the biggest donation in India. I've heard they've raised big slogans for LGBTQ rights, and their son-in-law Ranjeet Singh is also entering politics.

The voice I'm hearing chapar-chapar, yes, it's the same voice of my relatives who've filled the whole house. The whole house is buzzing, and I don't want to marry Ranjeet Singh. I don't like his big mustache at all. I used to consider JK as my dream husband, even though I know I won't find someone like him. I've heard about his thoughts.

Ranjeet Singh's thick voice resonates, "Do you need to do anything? Just wash my clothes, cook food. Girls don't work outside in our family, you should also manage the household."He's saying I should do what? Should I cook? I haven't even picked up my own cup of tea until now. I admit I'm lazy, but my dad is one of India's top 40 richest person, the owner of Canada's highest-selling company. Their wine company will boom in India too. Before that, they were running a sugar company, but look at Dad's rank.

I'm sitting here wearing the wedding dress, the wedding is about to start soon. The dress looks beautiful, but I won't go through with this forced marriage based on principles. Even though I said yes for my dad's happiness, how many times did I refuse? But his emotional blackmail never lessened. I used to enjoy writing poetry, but even that was taken away from me. Writing was my hobby, and my dad promised to publish a book, just get married. I peeked out the window and made a call, the plan is set, "Main to Bhag rahi hoon". Why isn't sounding like a movie? Not like "JAB WE MET," ? but Seems like my Aditya's wandering off to who knows where? Your Geet's tangled up in some Ranjeet's web!

I was crying without a tear when I heard someone knock on my door. When I looked through the door, it was my little brother Chipsy.

He came into the room with a bag of chips, probably already figuring out why I call him "Chipsy." While munching away, he said, "Do you need anything? Mom asked me to get you, Where's your phone? Ever thought of answering it with a tad bit of excitement? Come on, lazybones!"

I didn't pay much attention to my brother's words; I was too distressed. I wondered what sins I must have committed to deserve this.

"I'm not going to marry that mustache guy, no matter how rich he is. I want to be a writer, but not like this. I know my writing might be rubbish, but it's still my last hobby. I don't want to get married."

"What will you do then?" my little brother asked between bites of tomato-flavored chips, his favorite snack that he eats all day and still stays fit, while even a little bit makes me bloated. I was lost, and all I could say was, 

"I'm Payal Agarwal, and I'm running from this marriage."

"And I'm Jay Agarwal, your little brother, here to annoy everyone with my big announcements!"

"You little rascal!"

Jay darted off; I grabbed his Kurta, managing to tear it slightly, but he escaped. He told Mom, Dad, and everyone that I was planning to run away. Who knew I would spill so much truth today, and whom did I trust, of all the donkeys!

In a moment, my mom and dad rushed in, and Dad slammed the door shut. My brother Chipsy is still munching on chips, and otherwise I could hear a pin drop. My parents are glaring at me as if I'm about to commit a crime, but hey, I'm the one who got myself into this mess.

Dad broke the silence, but I couldn't bear to look into his eyes.

"You said you liked Ranjeet," he said.

I remained silent, but I was seething with anger. What a joke this "modern family" is! They only pretend to be modern, Fuck these rules.

Mom calmly said, "You should have said something earlier if you felt this way."

What could I have said to Mom? She's the one who told me girls have to adjust. How can I say something useless, what can I say to my innocent mother.

Chipsy, setting his chips packed aside, quipped, "Why aren't you speaking up? Got a secret lover or something? You're acting as scared as if you're a lesbian."

My brother is fucking fan of BL. he always talks like everyone is gay here. Mom immediately hushed my brother.

Dad said, "Payal, speak up, what's going on?"

He asked with such calmly mode, as if he regretted putting me in this situation. Everyone was waiting for my answer. Finally, I mustered up the courage and said, "Dad, I don't like Ranjeet."

"But he's a good boy, isn't he?" Dad asked anxiously.

As much of a rascal as Chipsy was, his tongue was like a sword that left me stranded. I glared at Chipsy with anger. Mom started crying, and I blurted out, "Yes, lesbian, and I have a girlfriend."

Shit shit! I should not say these things.

Dad didn't say anything, as if his mind had gone blank. He stood still for a while without moving, and then said, "Call your girlfriend here tonight. We'll meet her."

After hearing Dad's words, I felt like jumping out of my room window. I hadn't made any best friends, nor did I know anyone who could be my girlfriend. My mind went blank now. I sat on the bed, staring at my contact list. It was a pointless lie. Why did I have to say I am a lesbian? Why couldn't I think of something else? My mind is as empty as the air. Just air.

Accidental AmoreOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora