Chapter 2

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After shouting in frustration and scrolling through my phone's entire contact list, I still couldn't figure out who would help me. Then, the name of the movie "Jab We Met" came to my mind. The scene was playing in my head, "main to bhaag rahi hoon" I said, "Geet."

Four years ago, during college, I did an internship where I met a very quiet girl who taught me Excel. She was a strange girl, always dropping files in front of me, sometimes even knocking her chair over. She was the clumsiest person I'd ever seen, and her big glasses, like Harry Potter's, suited her well.

"What formula should I use?" I was staring at my computer screen for a long time, and when I looked up, she was also working on her computer. It had been over an hour, and the task should have been done in two hours.

now it had been three. Everyone had left to do their work, as I had never spoken to her before, I thought she was arrogant. Her glasses made her look like she had an attitude problem.

I took a deep breath and asked her, "Heyyyy." My voice stuttered, but I asked with a cute smile. This method works on boys because they are often clueless and naive and fall for anything.

She stopped typing on the keyboard and dropped the pen next to her, then picked it up and said, "hey (and then dropped the pen again)."

Damn, this girl couldn't be more clumsy. She dropped the pen for the second time. Every time she dropped the pen, I was afraid she might drop the keyboard next. She even dropped her glasses. I stood up from my chair, she went to pick up the pen again, and I picked up her glasses from the floor and handed them to her.

"Perfect, now let's talk," I said with a very nice smile, but inside I was getting angry, very angry. I wanted to tie this girl up with a rope and throw her into the sea.

She lifted her glasses onto her nose and said, "Speak, Payal."

"Geet, I need your help. I know you're good at Excel, so you can tell me how to quickly handle this data. Sir didn't come today, so he didn't check it, but he'll definitely check it tomorrow. I don't know how to do this."

She moved the cursor to a blank checkbox on the screen. She was handling mouse from a distance.

"It's okay, Geet, just bring the chair a little closer," I said, fearing she might fall off the chair. I knew it wouldn't happen, but I was running out of time, so I pulled the chair towards me.

"Now see what needs to be done," I said in a very stressed voice.

"This can be done, apply sumIf," she said.

I looked at her for a moment, my face full of question marks because I didn't know what sumIf was or how to do it. Then I smiled and said, "sumIf, alright, good idea. Geet, you tell me how to do sumIf."

"You don't know sumif? Let me explain right now, it's very easy, you just have to do =sumif( and then..."

"Wait, let me write it down," I took out my notebook.

As Geet explained, I kept writing, and I realized that sumif is quite easy and how effortlessly she explained it. Geet is a very intelligent girl. 

Whenever I needed help, she was there for me, and that's how I learned Excel. But it didn't come in handy because I didn't want to work; I started writing stories and poems at home instead. Whenever I read what I wrote, it made me feel sleepy, sometimes I even had to take headache medicine. How could someone write so poorly?

Because this was my hobby, I wasn't going to give up easily. It may be good or bad, but this is my hobby. I was determined to write well someday. So, where was I? I called Geet. 


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