Chapter 7

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7:45 p.m | TUESDAY NIGHT

"AND THEN, I WENT ON the monkey bars, but it was too high and scary so I didn't do it all the way." Kaiori rants as she did her homework. Derrick had just came home around thirty minutes ago, and Kai had been a chatter box ever since.

Jordyn and Kaiori also coming home around the same time as Derrick, only beating him by fifteen minutes which gave Kaiori time to get started on her homework and for Jordyn to start prepping for their dinner tonight.

They were all in the kitchen as Jordyn cooked, not wanting to make anything too long so she settled with Blackened chicken alfredo with Hawaiian Rolls. Kaiori suggesting they make a drink inside of drinking regular soda and water, so they made it together, resulting in blue raspberry lemonade Kool-aid.

From time to time, Jordyn went from cooking to her phone. She was texting Tal and Cy back in regard to the trip— which she already mentioned to Derrick as soon as he walked in. They were planning on buying their tickets and booking their hotels as least by the end of the week, knowing how booked things will be during the month of March.

"That's good baby. What else did you do today?" Derrick says, halfway listening to the conversation as he filled something out on his laptop. It was in regard to his new and upcoming gym that he was opening. Wanting everything to be right, he wanted to be on point when it came to everything.

Kaiori continued to talk about her day, as Derrick listened to certain parts, engaging when needed. Jordyn was finishing up dinner, finishing up making the homemade sauce as she waited for the noodles to finish boiling.

Her phone pings— for almost it seems like the hundredth time today. She quickly looks over everything before placing the spoon on the side, walking over to where her phone was, which was flipped over might I add, picking it up to see who it was.

Besides texting Taleyiah and Cyrus, she also had been texting Kameron, not responding to his text from earlier til around early seven, and they'd been on a texting spree ever since. She looks at her notifications, seeing that both Tal and Cy texted the groupchat, and Kameron responded back to her previous text.

Not bothering to see what her friends said, she clicked on Kameron's message, immediately going to their text thread.


You want to hang out tomorrow?

Depends, what are you trying to do?

Anything you want to do.

I don't do anything but braid hair and sleep 😂

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