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Erya did his best not to grimace as the High priest scolded him.

"My king," the title was forced, like a cat throwing up a hairball, "you must choose an heir now, I have heard reports of increased force offspring sightings around the whole of Arcadia. My latest source says that a horde of them bigger than any we've ever seen has just beached. If you don't honour the curse, we will be overrun."

Erya often wondered where Shakur got his information. The priest always seemed too aware of... well everything.

He had felt the presence in the shield only moments ago and already... he'd always had an idea of the how but proving it. Maybe this would be his chance.

The leaders were filtering into his chambers, he noticed the rift immediately. The split in the group as they spread out around him. Things were going to plan. He would have to divide them even further if this was to work.

Ignoring the High priest completely, he faced the leaders of Aradia.

"Shakur is correct. I've just felt the biggest intrusion of my shield in my time as king. At least thirty Forician's will have landed on our shores by now."

He ignored their shock, their fear, their instant sense of duty. He ignored every instinct that told him how to act, and he continued being their king, their leader.

"That is why I've rectified the tournament — as of now anyone can enter, from any race, gender, or platform...

All they have to do is hunt and kill and return the carcass of one of the Forician offspring."

No one objected, and he didn't expect them to. They were leaders, they knew what Forician's — even pups were capable of. The more numbers, the more chance they had of saving their own people.

He did expect Shakur to object and wasn't overly happy when the priest obliged.

"This is foolish, idiotic, we do not have this long to wait around for a test to enter a tournament. If these beasts get..." he trailed off as if he'd almost gone too far, and then looked Erya dead in the eye. "We protected you once, you are honour bound to do the same."

"Protected," Erya spat, and he knew it wasn't in any way kingly, but...

"You go too far High priest," he too forced the title out. "For years you put Tarks, Aradians, all of us in front of the creatures as a first wave — don't forget why part of that rock is blasted away — it is a reminder of where Aradians, Vutans and Frost clans were kept if they refused to fight."

The high priest rose up and opened his arms as if he were imbued with a power no one else could see. "Sulphites were the only ones who had any sort of power against the monsters, if we died the rest of you would've been slaughtered. We needed defenders while we uncovered abilities, while we —

"You," Erya interrupted. "You sat in your caves, holding onto your stones and watched while we fought with nothing more than man-made weapons against the most powerful creatures in Myrrindia. Don't forget our history Shakur," he decided to forgo the use of a title, "I know you like to tell a different story, one you believe and worship. However, it was your abilities that commanded us, until my line discovered theirs."

He saw the slitted eyes widen fractionally at that. He waited for the priest to admit to what he'd always assumed. The Sulphites had given the power to the Aradian line because they wouldn't take on the curse that came with them.

"And then your line took control."

"My line brought peace to all instead of retribution."

Shè stepped between them. Erya hadn't realised how close they had been. "If you haven't noticed Aradia is at peace, our people live happily amongst each other respecting and even partaking in each other's culture."

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