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As Suhana parked her car outside Priya's building, frustration and worry battled for dominance within her. Anger simmered beneath the surface, fueled by the knowledge of Priya's reckless behavior. How could Priya be so careless, especially after they had talked about it so many times?

With a heavy heart, Suhana climbed the stairs to Priya's apartment, each step echoing the rhythm of her racing thoughts. She wanted to shake some sense into Priya, to make her understand the gravity of her actions, but she knew that wouldn't solve anything.

As she reached Priya's door and pushed it open, the sight of Priya lying in bed, vulnerable and defenseless, softened Suhana's anger. Concern flooded her senses, washing away the bitterness that had clouded her mind.

Approaching the bed, Suhana sat down gently beside Priya, her hand reaching out to brush a stray lock of hair from her forehead. Despite everything, Priya looked so small and fragile in that moment, a stark reminder of how much she meant to Suhana.

"I'm here," Suhana whispered softly, her voice a gentle reassurance in the darkness.

As Priya stirred from her restless slumber, her eyes fluttered open to find Suhana sitting beside her, a mixture of concern and affection etched on her face. Without hesitation, Priya reached out, her arms wrapping tightly around Suhana in a desperate embrace.

"I'm sorry," Priya mumbled, her words slurred and heavy with remorse. "I didn't mean to worry you."

Suhana's heart softened at the vulnerability in Priya's voice, her own anger melting away in the face of Priya's genuine remorse. She returned the hug, holding Priya close, offering her the solace she so desperately needed.

"I know," Suhana replied softly, her fingers gently stroking Priya's hair. "But you scared me, Priya."

Priya buried her face in Suhana's shoulder, her breaths coming in ragged sobs as the weight of her thoughts crashing down upon her. In that moment, all pretenses and defenses fell away, leaving only the raw honesty of their emotions.

"I'll do better," Priya whispered, her voice barely audible over the pounding of her heart. "I promise."

Suhana held Priya tighter, as she whispered words of comfort and forgiveness into the darkness. 

As Priya clung to Suhana, her words tumbled out in a drunken confession, her voice laced with pain and insecurity. "I feel like... like you don't love me enough to leave Keshav," she slurred, her words heavy with the weight of her fears.

Suhana's heart clenched at the raw honesty in Priya's words, a pang of guilt piercing through her own defenses. She had tried to reassure Priya countless times, to convince her that she was the one she wanted to be with, but the shadow of Keshav still loomed large in their relationship.

"I do love you, Priya," Suhana whispered, her voice trembling with emotion. "More than anything in this world. But leaving Keshav... it's complicated."

Priya pulled back slightly, her eyes searching Suhana's face for any sign of reassurance. "But what about us?" she pleaded, her voice cracking with emotion. "What about our future?"

Suhana took a deep breath, her mind racing with a million thoughts and doubts. She knew that Priya deserved more than half-hearted promises and empty reassurances, but she couldn't shake the fear of what leaving Keshav would mean for both of them.

"I want a future with you, Priya," Suhana said finally, her voice steady despite the turmoil raging inside her. "But we have to be patient, okay? We'll figure it out together."

Priya's silence hung heavy in the air, her doubts and insecurities casting a shadow over the fragile peace between them. "But do you really love me?" she pressed, her voice rising with each word. "Or am I just a convenience for you until you figure things out with Keshav?"

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