Chapter 10: Double Aught Buck

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Vinn stood in the kitchen, cutting up some chicken strips for a marinade, when there was a soft knock on the door. Nobody else was up yet, so he answered the door.

"Someone get a delivery package?" he asked the carrier, noticing the uniform and hat.

"Not exactly. But I do have an offer you might like to hear about." She said.

"Not interested in any jobs or religions." He said, holding his arm across the doorway as she tried to step inside.

"Security protocol. Nobody enters the house. Actually, how did you get past the walkway?"

"Congratulations, Vinn, you passed the test, let's go for a ride." She said in an odd manner.

"The hell are you talking..." he said, noticing a hint of purple peaking from her wide brimmed hat. He crouched down, connecting the dots between the height, build and that familiar hair color. He pulled the hat off to see a familiar face, her hair wound into a pair of purple and black side buns. "Nicole?" he asked.

"Not quite, follow me. Quickly, Obi-Vinn, you're my only hope." She dramatically said in someone else's voice.

"Wh-You were in the basement sleeping." he stammered.

"Vinn, get her your hairy ass out here before I drag you by the balls." She snipped, in a shockingly deep voice.

"Yes Ma'am?" he said, following her to the delivery truck as she pushed him in and it took off.

"Okay, I'm so confused, are you evil Nicole from the ship or is that evil Nicole in the mansion and there's an even eviler Nicole?"

"Oh, I'm by far the evilest of all." She smiled, her eyes glowing a bright blue. She paused for effect and then got impatient. "I'm Gizzy in a fake Nicole drone. Sorry, I usually do this kinda shit with Jack, but he's occupied, and you don't have 4th wall knowledge of the first book."

"What book? You do stuff with Jack in a robot body that looks like Nicole, what is happening, was I drugged?" Vinn asked.

"I'm gonna start over. I can see I'm working with limited cranial power here. I'm Gizzy, I'm Osirian, so I have like 65 biomech bodies I pilot around when I wanna go undercover and this one requires a Nicole without risking an actual Nicole, because you need your hand held for this sorta work...clearly. I have a job to do that requires a Delmarian, and you're the only one I can trust."

"I really don't even trust you."

"Vinn, I'm the one who put a sniper on your side, during the Fupar match, give me some credit here" Gizzycole snipped.

"You also cloned my wife, and apparently made a...wife drone now?"

"Printed that this morning just for this. Firstly your wife signed off on the cloning thing, I just did standard life insurance protocol and some shit went wrong, and that's exactly why we're doing this. Secondly, this is a synthetic body with a computer brain run by me, it's basically a doll, not a third clone, don't overreact. Come on Vinn, I brought you breakfast and did my hair all fancy for a 1-line Star Wars bit, that was entirely for the audience, and look, I made you your own special assassin calling card, just like Jack." She said, opening the package and there was a very large doughnut and a playing card, a joker with a very cartoonish Delmarian figure on it.

"Yea thanks, the joker of hearts...why are the hearts upside down?" Vinn asked

"Those are little asses. I was gonna do the Jack of asses, but we have a Jack of hearts and that could be confusing. We can modify that later."

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