Chapter 13: Like it never happened

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They walked back to the mansion, now getting light outside, holding hands and smiling like they were a team again. They stepped into the kitchen and Silverback was smiling from ear to ear, sipping his coffee.

"Oh no. Looks like someone got over their little issue." Silverback muttered.

"It's not what you think." Vinn smiled. "But it was enlightening."

"Yea call it whatever sugar-coated thing you want. I know make up sex face when I see it"

"He finally gets me." She blushed.

"We both get each other." He said, ruffling her hair.

"Oh, it's about time you guys finally started banging again. For like a week there we were all worried. Separate beds, the suspicious looks. I don't know what you were fighting about, but I'm glad someone won and you people have some glow again. Marriage is tough, you fight, you protest, you both hold your ground. Not my business, but who broke first?"

"He made the first move. Finally manned up and said his peace, and I just couldn't help but confess everything."

"Well I drugged her and cuffed her to the couch." He shrugged.

"You two little jokesters. Welcome back to the sunny side of the moon."

Jack sat at the edge of the ship's deck, watching the sun rise, as hooves approached.

"You know..." Jack said, sipping his coffee. "They say humans can't tell the difference between the hologram sky and a real one, but I've seen so many that I feel like I can tell. It's nice to see the sun rise, an actual sun actually appearing on the lunar horizon, not an arc plasma ball on a track going over a dome."

"You're not exactly the mindless killing machine I heard about. Unless you're actively trying to be. Just seems like every time we meet, you have to be." Hyde yawned.

"Funny, I could say the same thing about you. I met Kraken a bunch of times, and he was a piece of shit every time. According to Vinn, that was historically accurate. You almost seem normal here in your little floating castle. And Nicole doesn't look at you the same way, like some fascinating horror monster she hates and fears."

"She's different now, Jacky. Circumstances and evolution."

"I mean the one you got hostage, not the one down there." He corrected.

"Hostage...very upsetting word to use. Lot of ones you could have used instead you know. Guest, friend, mutual associate."

"Well I don't think she agreed to be here, those others usually involve consent and awareness." Jack said finishing his cup and standing. Circling away from the edge a little bit.

"So are we about to fight it out over her? You do realize she is staying here now of her own free will, regardless of how she got here. She understands the situation."

"Then make me understand it, because I'm missing some key pieces and you keep not providing them."

"Jack it's simple, Nicole down there is spending some time with her friends, they're just as much hers as your Nicole's. Your Nicole is only not allowed to leave because it blows the entire thing wide open, and she knows that. She's staying to let the other one say goodbye, and we're getting along, just like I would have guessed. They're not that different."

"I agree. I've been monitoring the conversations down there. I figured out your Nicole was hiding with them when Vinn figured it out. I had both houses bugged, activated that when I first got stuck up here. I understand their situation as much as any outsider can, and I think I understand why Vinn isn't saying anything, and why My Nicole isn't telling me it's her. We don't seem to be enemies after all, and our families don't seem to conflict, so I'm not saying anything either. I'm letting it ride. I haven't even told Gizzy."

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