Love is in the air

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"You can't take love for granted! You need to be patient. And just as flowers take time to blossom, love will one day blossom in your heart!" ― Avijeet Das

The past two days had been a whirlwind of pampering. Keith had whisked Juliet away to a luxurious spa, where skilled hands kneaded away the last vestiges of wedding stress. Juliet emerged feeling like she was floating on air, her muscles loose and her mind blissfully quiet. Yesterday, a charismatic guide had led them through the echoing halls of the Coliseum and the opulent Palazzo Massimo alle Terme. 

The evening culminated in a vibrant hotel party. Mouthwatering Italian delicacies disappeared from their plates. Juliet swayed to the music, fueled by a fruity concoction that danced on the edge of sweet and potent (a definite hint of vodka, she was sure). Keith, ever the responsible one, stuck to wine.

It was well past eleven when they stumbled back to their room. The alcohol buzzed pleasantly in Juliet's veins, a feeling she rarely indulged in. As Keith's arm snaked around her waist to steady her, she couldn't ignore how his touch sent a jolt through her. The feel of his rippling muscles beneath her fingertips and the warmth of his hand on her skin ignited a spark that danced low in her belly.

"That was fun!" Juliet declared, her voice slightly slurred, as they entered the bedroom. His nearness was intoxicating. She was acutely aware of how his presence filled the space, the scent of his cologne mingling with the fresh night air.

"Indeed," he replied with a playful smirk, leaning down to plant a soft kiss in her hair. "Now I understand why you avoid alcohol."

Juliet swatted at him playfully, a giggle escaping her lips. This charming rogue, with his teasing ways and his nearness that made her heart race, was making it impossible to maintain a serious facade. "Hey! I can hold my liquor!" she protested, her voice betraying a slight wobble. The words tumbled out in a jumbled mess, but the sentiment rang true. This wasn't full-blown drunkenness, just a delightful tipsiness that loosened her inhibitions and made her feel carefree in a way she hadn't in a long time.

Keith chuckled, his grey eyes twinkling with amusement. "Absolutely adorable," he murmured, his voice a husky caress against her ear. He brushed another kiss across her lips, a feather-light touch that sent shivers dancing down her spine. "Come on, love," Keith coaxed, his voice a low rumble that vibrated through her core. "Let's get you into something more comfortable. We leave for Sperlonga at ten sharp." His touch, warm like sun-kissed sand, lingered on her arm as he guided her towards the bed.

Juliet couldn't tear her gaze from him as Keith sauntered back to her. A slow heat bloomed in her cheeks, a blush like a desert rose blossoming under the desert sun. Was it the lingering wine, or was Keith simply radiating an unfair amount of handsomeness tonight? The thought sparked a giggle that escaped her lips before she could contain it.

Keith's lips quirked into a playful smile, a question mark etched in his smoky grey eyes. "Something funny, love?" he asked, his voice a velvet caress.

Juliet's breath hitched. "I just realized," she confessed, her voice barely a whisper, "I think I married the most ridiculously handsome man alive." The words tumbled out in a rush, laced with a surprised flush that painted her cheeks a rosy watercolor sunrise. Juliet felt a jolt of surprised sobriety.

A deep rumble erupted from Keith's chest, a sound that sent shivers cascading down her spine. His laughter lines deepened around his eyes as they darkened with desire. He leaned in close, his breath a warm whisper against her lips. "And I," he murmured, his voice husky with amusement, "married the most ravishing woman in this whole universe."

Perhaps the traces of vodka still danced in her veins, emboldening her. Or maybe it was simply the way his gaze held hers, a silent conversation filled with unspoken desires. Whatever the reason, Juliet knew full well she wouldn't have done what she did next completely sober. With a newfound boldness, she wrapped her arms around his neck, her touch sending a jolt of electricity through him. Her lips met his in a soft, tentative kiss, the first one she'd initiated since their wedding day.

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