Sneak Peak

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A wave of anticipation washes over Juliet as she enters the living room. The sounds of clinking glasses and soft laughter drift in from the kitchen, pulling a smile onto her face. Rounding the corner, she freezes. A vision in a silk shirt that barely skimmed her curves stands bathed in the warm glow of the pendant light. The woman's hair, a cascade of sun-kissed blonde waves, spills down her back, framing eyes the color of a summer sky. Juliet swallows a lump in her throat. Despite the anger simmering in her gut, she can't deny the woman looks like she stepped straight off the cover of a magazine.

"Ah," the woman drawls, a sly smile playing on her lips as she takes in Juliet's appearance. "You must be Keith's current plaything," she adds, swirling the crimson liquid in her glass. Juliet feels a physical blow to her gut, the air whooshing out of her lungs. "Cassandra," the woman continues, extending a hand, "we haven't had the pleasure." As Juliet stares at the impeccably manicured nails, a wave of nausea washes over her. The smile on Cassandra's face widens, devoid of warmth.

"W-What?" Juliet stammers, the world tilting on its axis. This can't be happening. It has to be a nightmare. "Did I stutter?" Cassandra mocks, taking another slow sip of her wine. Tears prick Juliet's eyes, blurring the image before her. "Y-you need to leave," she manages, her voice barely a whisper. "Keith and I are married!" Her throat tightens, each word a shard of glass in her mouth. The room seems to shrink, the walls closing in.

A humorless laugh erupts from Cassandra, like nails scraping down a chalkboard. Juliet flinches back, the sound echoing in the tense silence. "Married, are you?" Cassandra replies, her smile twisting into a cruel smirk. "Sweetheart, that might be true now, but trust me, it won't last." Juliet's breath catches in her throat, a cold dread slithering down her spine. "What do you mean?" she asks, her voice barely audible.

"Keith and I have a little arrangement," Cassandra explains, her voice dripping with condescension. "You were just a pretty face to keep him occupied while I was away." Her eyes rake over Juliet's form with disdain. "But now he needs a real woman. Someone mature, sophisticated... and let's face it, a helluva lot more attractive than a schoolgirl."

Juliet shakes her head, denial a bitter taste on her tongue. "I don't believe you," she whispers, her voice hollow. A cruel glint flickers in Cassandra's eyes. "Want proof?" she challenges, raising an eyebrow. Juliet bites her lip, the taste of blood metallic on her tongue. Against her better judgment, she nods, a sliver of hope flickering within her.

The climb to the bedroom feels like an eternity. Each step echoes in the oppressive silence of the house. Pushing open the door, Juliet's world shatters. Keith's discarded clothes lie strewn across the floor, a silent testament to their betrayal. Her breath hitches as she sees Cassandra's dress abandoned on a chair, a sickeningly intimate detail. The rumpled sheets and the faint sound of water running from the shower paint a picture too vivid to ignore. A wave of nausea crashes over her, the taste of bile rising in her throat.

Tears sting Juliet's eyes as she turns to face Cassandra, who leans against the doorway, a smug smile plastered across her face. Every fiber of Juliet's being screams at her to run, to escape this suffocating nightmare. But a single, heart-wrenching thought anchors her in place. 'I loved him,' she sobs silently, the words a knife twisting in her gut.

"Here," Cassandra says, her voice saccharine sweet, holding out an envelope. "Don't bother packing, darling. We've taken care of everything." Juliet takes the envelope, her hand trembling. The crisp edge digs into her palm, a painful reminder of the life she's lost.

Tears stream down Juliet's face, blurring her vision. With a choked sob, she stumbles past Cassandra, the weight of heartbreak threatening to crush her. Without a backward glance, she flees the mansion that once held her dreams, the taste of ashes clinging to her tongue. She hails a cab, her body moving on autopilot, her heart a shattered kaleidoscope of pain.

Hey, awesome readers!

I just wanted to drop a quick line and let you know I haven't vanished into the abyss (although juggling exams, research papers, healthy meals, and the gym can definitely make you feel that way!). Speaking of exams, they've kept me busy, but fear not—I'm determined to keep the story rolling!

Here's the update:

Expect 1-2 chapters a week, starting with a new one next week!I'm craving your feedback, so please keep voting and commenting on the latest chapters. Your thoughts fuel my writing fire!Get ready for more Keith and Juliet love, along with a brand new antagonist, Cassandra, to stir things up!

Thanks for your patience and support. Can't wait to share the next chapter with you all!

Your favorite author, 

Zaylin silver 

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