Chapter 1: The Saga Begins

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Pressure. The force a thing or things puts on an object. It can be small, like the weight of an orange on your palm, or it can be heavy, like the weight of a waterfall exerting force on your back.

Conversely, it can also be a psychological thing. Like feeling the urge to buy bread or rice or having a test, particularly the kind to decide your entire future.

Pressure is likely what Baki felt when he was imposing a challenge on himself. It was simple enough. He decided to walk upside down for a day. He did not want to continue as it was trivial and boring, but he felt a need to stick to what he had already presented on himself, even though he'd suffer no consequences either way.

Suddenly, he received a call on his phone, so he sat down and answered it.

"Hello, Tokugawa-San," Baki answered, a bead of sweat from his previous efforts rolling down his forehead.

"I suppose you got me at the right time. Boredom was getting to me." He answered."But, now? This seems like a rather taxing thing to just spring on me like this, so suddenly."

"No-No. I'll do it, of course. Seems like it will be a lot of fun." Baki resigned. "How many days is it? What do I need to pack?... Alright."

He got up and proceeded to move to a different room.

- Jump Cut -

We cut to an airport, where a small portion of the airport is cleared out. More specifically, a boarding area and a large open door resembling the size of a tall garage door. Many police men, armed with vests and shields, lined the walls.

Tokugawa, Strydom, and Pickle, closely followed by Albert Payne, walk through the gate. Pickle seems content as is eating what appears to be a large hunk of meat. The gate seemed to be the only door on the airport that pickle could comfortably walk through. And convenient for the transport of pickle.

"So you finally got the guy to come to an airport, hm?" A man stands up from sitting in a chair. "Good thing, too. It would be boring not to see him at the tournament."

"Doppo Orochi, I haven't seen you in weeks. How are things?" Tokugawa asked

"Same old same old." Orochi said."It wasn't as hard as I thought it be to organise a time when both main Shinshinkai high ups would be absent. I'm under the impression Pickle had never flown before. How do you expect to deal with him if he freaks out when his ears pop?"

"Well, I can answer that." Dr. Payne answered."we have found it he has a certain understanding of japanese and a small amount of English. He can't vocalise anything, of course, but he can understand a few words. We have somehow managed to convey to him that he will feel some discomfort in his ears when we are in the sky. And that we will be in the sky at all."

"A monumental achievement." Orochi repplied

"He is actually extremely intelligent. So far, we are teaching him sign language. So he can commune with more people without having to attempt to vocalise. He can't do much. But, he can say a few words, convey when he wants food, and count to six. But not much beyond that. He's still learning what words mean after all." Dr. Payne said, "we are still unsure of he can even learn to speak yet. Or at least speak properly."

"Hey, that's more than I can do in sign language." Orochi said

"He is also hundreds of millions of years old. So, that adds to the weight of it." Tokugawa said

"Truly, a marvel." Orochi affirmed. "Anyways, everyone else is here or going there a different route. Thanks again for paying for the tickets."

"We already had to pay for pickle to be transported. May also have a lot of people who could handle being around him or help if he gets worked up." Dr. Payne revealed.

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