Sleeping it off

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Back at Stratton's

Emily felt a wave of dizziness as she stepped out of the car, nearly tripping before Alex caught her in his arms. "You're sick and still don't want to take the pills," he complained, his tone tinged with frustration as Olivia joined them, and they made their way into the house together.

Inside, the housekeeper, Margaret, greeted them at the door, her surprise at seeing Olivia quickly masked with a polite smile as she directed Emily upstairs to rest. As Margaret descended the stairs, she overheard the maids gossiping in the kitchen about Olivia's unexpected return and her relationship with Mr. Stratton.

"Who's Olivia?" one of the maids whispered.

"She's Mr. Stratton's old flame," another replied.

"But isn't Mr. Stratton already married?"

"It's all business, dear. Just like their marriage to Miss Johnson."

Margaret listened intently as the maids continued, discussing the arranged marriage between Emily and Alex, orchestrated to save the Johnson family from financial ruin.

With a flick of her eyebrow, the older maid cautioned the new recruit to keep their conversation confidential. "Keep it to yourself, don't tell anyone," she advised.

"Of course," the younger maid replied, her eyes wide with curiosity.

As Margaret intervened with a forceful reprimand, silencing the gossiping maids, she couldn't help but ponder the implications of their conversation. The revelation shed new light on Emily's strained demeanour and the tension that had permeated the household since Olivia's return.

Lying in bed, Emily stared at the ceiling, her mind consumed by thoughts of the baby growing inside her. How could she possibly hide the pregnancy from everyone? The frustration intensified her headache, and she closed her eyes, seeking refuge in sleep.

In her dream, she felt her blouse being unbuttoned, a cold, smooth sensation pressing against her feverish skin. Panic surged through her as she realized she was pinned down, unable to move. A deep breath brushed against her ear, followed by the warmth of someone's breath against her face.

Her lips parted involuntarily as something cold and soft pressed against them. Desperate to wake herself from this feverish dream, Emily bit down, tasting blood in her mouth. "You bit me! Spoiled little brat," a voice hissed in her ear before she turned away and slipped back into a deep sleep.

As Emily opened her eyes, she found herself bathed in the warm hues of the sunset filtering through her bedroom window. Margaret and a maid stood by her bedside, their faces illuminated by the soft evening light.

"Thank God your fever is gone," Margaret exclaimed, her relief evident as she took Emily's temperature.

"You've been here all this time to take care of me?" Emily asked, touched by their dedication. Margaret nodded, her expression a mix of concern and compassion.

As fragments of her unsettling dream lingered in her mind, Emily's heart sank. She had mistaken the fading sunlight for the dawn, imagining Alex by her side, only to realize it was just a figment of her imagination.

The maid handed Emily her prescribed medication, but she hesitated, knowing she couldn't take it because of her pregnancy. "I'm hungry. Can you make me something to eat?" she requested instead.

"Of course, Ma'am," the maid replied before leaving the room with Margaret.

Alone in the bathroom, Emily disposed of the pills, a sense of relief washing over her. But her moment of peace was short-lived when she turned to find Alex standing in the doorway, his gaze piercing.

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