Unseen Alliances

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At the hospital, Emily pushed Mrs. Stratton inside while Alex followed. His eyes were fixed on Emily. She wore a light blue coat over a cream v-neck sweater. Her long hair was tied into a low ponytail, with a few loose strands framing her sophisticated face. She spoke to the nurse who greeted them, her soft nods and polite smile masking the sadness in her eyes.

After the nurse took Mrs. Stratton in, Emily and Alex waited outside. Alex leaned against the window, his hand instinctively reaching for his pocket before he remembered he hadn't smoked in a long time. The urge to smoke surfaced whenever he felt uneasy. Ever since Emily's birthday party last year, he found her irresistible, wanting to be close to her at all times, as if he were addicted to her.

He recalled a specific evening, after a long frustrating day at work, when he stood on the balcony smoking a cigarette. Emily walked in, her presence immediately soothing yet stirring him. "Why are you smoking? Did something happen at work?" she asked.

He didn't answer, instead looking at her intently. The next second, he cupped her chin with one hand and kissed her deeply. Emily pulled away, leaning against his chest. "Doesn't feel good," she murmured.

"What doesn't feel good?" Alex asked, his eyes lingering on her lips.

"The cigarette," she replied, her voice soft but firm.

Realizing, Alex stubbed out the cigarette in the ashtray. He leaned closer, intending to continue the kiss, but Emily stopped him. "I meant, I don't want you to smoke anymore."

Alex teased, "You mean you like my kiss when I'm not smoking."

Emily blushed, "I never said I liked it."

"Well, I remember a girl who had too much at the party and wouldn't leave me alone until I kissed her..." he taunted.

"Alex!" Emily shouted, trying to stop him, her cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

Those memories felt as if they had happened yesterday, vivid and intense. Now, only cold silence remained between them. Alex looked out the window, the hospital bustling with activity, but all he felt was the emptiness inside.

The vibration sound from his phone broke the silence, pulling Alex back into reality. He glanced at the screen, his brows furrowing slightly, before looking up to meet Emily's gaze. Subconsciously, Emily quickly averted her eyes, already knowing whom the call was from by the look on his face.

Alex didn't answer immediately, his mind racing with conflicting thoughts. After a few seconds, the phone rang again, breaking the tense atmosphere. When Alex hung up on the call the first time, Olivia was stunned. She couldn't believe that Alex would hang up on her call. It had never happened before. Was it because of her scar on her forehead? Or perhaps because he had a change of heart and loved Emily Johnson now? He had never treated her this way before. Just then, Clare walked to her side, her expression reflecting a mixture of concern and suspicion.

"It must be Emily Johnson. Alex never hangs up on you before," Clare remarked, her tone edged with uncertainty.

Olivia bit her lip, feeling a surge of frustration and insecurity. "Stop it," she muttered under her breath, her mind spinning with doubts and fears.

But Clare continued, her words probing and insistent, "She promised you. She must have gone back on her words. Olivia, you cannot trust her. Especially now that she is pregnant. Do you still think that she would agree to the divorce right after his grandma's surgery and raise the kid on her own? She didn't even take the money."

Olivia remained silent, her face darkening with a mix of anger and uncertainty. However, before she could dwell further on her thoughts, a knock on the door interrupted her train of thought. It was Cole Bola. He was a familiar face from high school, but unlike Olivia and Alex, he hadn't pursued college. Instead, his family business was entangled with gangs in New York, a fact that Olivia had always been wary of, especially since Cole had expressed his feelings towards her after high school graduation.

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