002 -Overthinker

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The day Monday came too fast, and with it, the dreaded 7 am physics class.

As I walked to class, passing the men's restroom and nearing the girls' bathroom, I heard a high-pitched scream that everyone else seemed to ignore. But my curiosity got the best of me, and I peeked through the open door, straining to see.

"Why are you peeping into the girls' bathroom, bud?" Sam chuckled as he caught up to me.

"Oh, I heard someone scream. Didn't you?"

"Probably just your mind playing tricks on you."


As we entered class, I made a conscious decision to keep my distance from her. I was too much trouble, especially after what I did.

Sam looked me in the eye and raised his bushy dark eyebrow.

"Will you come back?" I asked.

"Never again."

"They need you. We need you!"

"No. Sometimes I think you're only friends with me because they asked you to convince me." His eyes turned dull and dead.

"Why would I do that?" My voice rose slightly.

"BECAUSE YOU'RE IN THAT STUPID TEAM AFTER I TOLD YOU THEY ARE SHIT!" Sam's hand squeezed my wrist, his head dangerously close to mine.


"EXACTLY," he yelled.

After our argument,we stood quietly and realised the whole class was quiet, staring at us, whispering to each other.

I felt Tori's disappointed eyes on me.

Sam snatched his bag from the hanger and stormed out of class, leaving me no choice but to stay.

I was fuming with pure anger the entire class. Tori's eyes asked if I was okay, but I didn't even look at her.

He was right.

Not entirely. I am not friends with Sam because of the team.

But they were messed up.

However, I am not getting out of it. I'll save it.

After a few more classes, it was late, but I refused to sleep in Sam's dorm.

Even though I knew he was correct.

I didn't want to go to Tori's room either. So I had no other choice but to sneak into the library before it closed.

I had 10 minutes before 1:00.

Once I reached the 3rd floor, I heard footsteps behind me, weak and shaky, like the old lady's.

Quickly, I ran into the library and climbed the tallest shelf.

I accidentally knocked a few books, so I climbed back down to pick them up.

Suddenly, the lights flickered, and I heard a faint whisper coming from the dark corner of the room.

It was the old lady responsible for the library.

I heard her click her flashlight, jamming it to make it work.

I went behind the shelf and climbed up quickly, waiting for her to leave. Finally, I heard the sound of keys swinging, indicating she was about to leave.

Just when I thought this day couldn't get any worse, the old lady slammed the door shut, causing the shelf I was on to wobble in the wind. I tried to maintain my balance, but the shelf collapsed too quickly for me to react.

Groaning in pain, I found my elbow unresponsive to movement, and my stomach refused to allow me to stand up. A sharp pain shot through my abdomen, and I realized I had a huge cut on my stomach from the fall. The weight of the shelf was crushing me, pinning me down.

Struggling to breathe, I tried to push the shelf off me, but i was too tired. Panic started to set in as I realized I was trapped and injured

Gritting my teeth against the pain, I managed to pull out my left leg from the side and used it to push against the shelf. Finally, I got the opportunity and wriggled out from under the shelf, but My right arm hung limply, broken.

Gasping for air, I collapsed on the floor beside the fallen shelf, clutching my injured arm. The pain was excruciating, but I forced myself to stay conscious.

i then looked at the bottom of the shelf and sighed, looking at my crushed glasses and ran to the back room which was open, and deleted the camera footage which could send me suspended.

after thinking on who to call, i decided on calling tori, she was the best option although not so great. i pressed her name on my screen as it started calling her. 

"Zaid?" her soft voice made me regret how I was so dull to her.

"tori!  I need you to listen very carefully, I'm at the library, alone and the door is locked , do you mind coming here? I think the lady put the keys under the rug!"

"okay but stay on the phone while I come," 


"you know, Sam was worried about you, i think you should say sorry."

"you don't know what we were talking about."

"yeah, which is why I'm going to ask you " she unfolded the rug and grabbed the keys,

"just open the door" I whined

"what's the magic word?" she teased.

"OPEN THE DOOR" I groaned in pain.


"please?" I said softly.

"actually, the magic word was   ill accept your request."

I bit my cheek to hide my smile. 

she then barged in the room and ran to me to hug me but i stepped back. (she chased me through the whole library until i hugged her)

Ps. I am in love with this chapter!! I hope u liked it too!!!mwahh

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