003- Unspoken Truths

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-⚠️ mentions of self harm.

A couple of days after the incident at the library, Tori hadn't shown up for our usual Friday movie night, and I couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong.

i wanted to check on her, so I made my way to Tori's dorm. When I arrived, it was  quiet. I knocked on the door, but there was no answer. i unzipped my wallet and took tori's dorm keys out and opened the door. I tried the bathroom door, and that's when I heard it—soft, uneven breathing coming from inside.

Without hesitation, I pushed the door open and found Tori sitting on the floor, her back against the wall, tears streaming down her face. Her wrist was cut, blood staining her skin and the bathroom tiles, with a blade on the sink.

"What are you doing here?!" Tori screamed, her voice laced with anger . "Get out! You can't just barge in here like this!"

She scrambled to her feet, swaying unsteadily. I could see the dizziness in her eyes as she tried to steady herself. But before I could react, she stumbled and fell to the floor.

I frowned.

Tori pushed me away weakly, her face contorted with frustration. "I said get out!" she snapped, her voice trembling.

"Tori?! you sweared you stopped doing this AGES AGO." i yelled.

Tori then pushed herself up and stood up.

"Sit down!" i whisperred.


she then fell on the floor so i kneeled down.

As I lifted Tori into my arms, her body felt unnervingly light. I laid her gently on her bed, her breathing shallow and her eyes closed. Panic surged within me as I realized she had fainted.

"Tori," I whispered, shaking her gently. "Why would you do this?"

But she remained unresponsive, her pale face a stark contrast to the usual vibrancy I was used to seeing. I scrambled to find something to revive her, my hands shaking as I searched through her belongings.

Finally, I grabbed a damp cloth from the bathroom and pressed it against her forehead, hoping the coolness would rouse her. 

As I watched Tori lying there, still unresponsive, I racked my brain for anything that could help. Suddenly, I remembered something from the medical books I had been reading for my physics class.

I gently adjusted Tori's position, making sure she was lying flat on her back. Then, recalling what I had read about fainting, I lifted her legs to elevate them above her heart, hoping to increase blood flow to her brain.

"Tori," I murmured, my voice trembling with worry. "Please."

I held her legs in that position, hoping and praying for any sign of improvement. Minutes passed like hours as I waited anxiously for her to regain consciousness.

 her eyelids fluttering open, I breathed a sigh of relief. But that relief turned to concern as I noticed she was struggling to sit up.

"stop" I said softly, gently stopping her attempts to stand. "stop it."

But she was determined, her frustration evident as she kept trying to get up, only to falter each time.

I couldn't bear to see her like this. With a gentle touch, I stopped her once more and placed my two pointer fingers on her delicate neck, checking her heart rate. Our eyes met, and in that moment, a silent understanding passed between us.

Zaid felt disappointment welling up inside him, seeing Tori in such a week state. Tori, on the other hand, was filled with anger, frustrated by her own weakness. But despite the emotions swirling between them, neither said a word.

We remained like that for a while, our silent exchange speaking volumes. In that moment, I wished I had the power to take away all of Tori's pain and give it to me.

she wouldnt say a singular word so i decided to find out what happened to make her do this. Once I was sure she was okay for the moment, I left her dorm and headed back to mine.

I found Sam already in our room, fixing his hair for his upcoming date. I sat down heavily at my desk, my mind still reeling from what I had just witnessed.

"What happened, Zaid?" Sam asked, his voice filled with concern.

"It's Tori," I began, explaining what I had found in her dorm.

Sam listened intently, his brow furrowed in thought. "We need to figure out what's going on with her," he said finally.

I nodded in agreement. and after a few minutes, "We have two major suspicions," I said, pulling out my laptop. 


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Sam leaned forward, his eyes narrowing. "Let's start with her boyfriend. Do we know who she's been seeing lately?"

 "There's Chad," I said, pointing to a photo of Tori and a guy with messy brown hair. 

Sam studied the photos for a moment before nodding. "Let's see what we can find out about them," he said, already typing away on his own laptop.

As we delved into our investigation, i haven't found out much, but I shall never give up on finding out .

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