Chapter 14: Cursework

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I sit by the roaring fire, a small book clutched in my hands. The men have matters of importance to discuss and I'm not invited to partake in their super-secret mage discussion. Orion shoved a frilly book of love poetry into my hands and shooed me off to sit by the fire. He brought me a cup of tea, but refused to answer any of my questions as he set it on the table beside me. 

I can't focus on the book. My hands keep shaking, jittery. It's strange, I'm exhausted, but no longer sleepy. I'm in a weird, waking nightmare. My body is numb, my nervous nerves giving out on me. I wonder if it's because I've spent the entire night running on nothing but adrenaline and tears? I peek over my shoulder again, straining my ears, but I can't make out a single word. 

Jack talks with his hands waving about like he's conducting a confused orchestra, cigar leaving a faint smoke trail through the air. Orion waves his hands about too, mimicking Jack's wild movements. Magnus interrupts, stepping in between the two and handing Orion the journal. Looking thoughtful, Orion nods his head. A nod? That's a good sign, right? 

Magnus's mouth moves soundlessly, then Orion shakes his head and points to an old book, tapping it with his finger. Lennette sits cross-legged on the table beside the book, her knees bouncing up and down, a cup of tea held in her hands. Hardly fair. Normally, I don't mind being left out of the men's conversations, safe from the smog of disgusting cigar smoke, but this time, it's my future on the line; I want to participate. 

I should nick a pair of trouser, put on a fake moustache, and call myself Estephen. I'm beginning to understand Lennette's unusual fashion choices, not that I approve of them. Magnus is old enough to make his own bad decisions but he really should be more careful with his sister; she could very easily ruin her future if it's ever discovered she's galivanting about, late at night, dressed as a boy, so she can participate in an illegal, men-only mage guild. 

Magnus and Orion argue, both going red in the face as they invade each other's personal space. Magnus might be a head and shoulder taller than Orion, but he's cowed as Orion slams his balled fist on the table hard enough to shake it. In unison, everyone turns to stare at me. I scooch down in my chair, and nervously slurp my tea. I focus my gaze on the poetry book in my lap, pretending I'm not gawking at them. 

After waiting a reasonable amount of time, I peek around my chair again. Orion is right behind me. My hands and heart jerk. I spill lukewarm tea over my lap. I save the poetry book with a quick twist of my hand. Orion clears his throat. "Sorry about that, Miss Truvow. I should have announced myself. We have a viable plan and Magnus requests your presence. There is something we need to discuss with you before we proceed." 

I stand quickly, slapping the dripping cup of tea down with a clink. "Of course!" I thought they'd never ask. He gestures for me to walk first and follows in my footsteps. I cross from the tile floor onto the decorative rug. 

"– think this will work?" Lennette's voice pops into existence. I stumble back, bumping into Orion. He steadies me with a careful hand on my shoulder. Lennette's mouth moves but now, I can't hear her again – it's another magic trick I can't logically explain. I ease my foot onto the rug, ears popping. "– sure if she'll agree?" Lennette finishes, looking my way with a nervous smile. 

Orion clears his throat as he guides me to the table by the shoulder, noticing my hesitancy. "Magnus has explained the situation to me. We have a plan. I will wed you and Magnus tonight, thereby fulfilling the requirement to break the curse. Then, I will remove any traces of lingering magic, and immediately annul the marriage. It will be as if nothing happened. There is one quick test I want to do before we begin. Any questions or concerns?" Orion asks after speaking so fast my head is spinning. 

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