2 . Him

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Abhimaan's POV:

I woke up from my precious sleep to the sound of a husky voice, and reality hit me hard. "Yaar, Rohan, itni jaldi kyun uthaya?" I grumbled, rubbing the sleep from my eyes. "Gadhe, utha ja, tujhe gym jana hai," he said, glancing at his watch.

I groggily stumbled into the bathroom, my mind wandering back to cherished memories. His voice echoed in my mind, teasing me about being late for our rendezvous. "Noooo way," I muttered to myself, snapping back to the present. "I'm coming, get my gym bag," I ordered Rohan. After a rigorous workout, I returned home exhausted.

As I entered the dining room, my eyes lit up at the sight of my little angel running towards me. "Maaamu, chocky," she exclaimed, her innocent demand for chocolate melting my heart. But as I admired her, my thoughts were interrupted by an unexpected visitor.

An old, sharp-tongued man, one of the most successful businessmen, entered and summoned me. "This is your last chance. Get married, or I'll donate or sell all your property," he threatened. Furious, I stormed out and headed to the office to cool off.

At the office, my anger simmered as I was greeted by my secretary and best friend. "Why are you angry?" he asked, sensing my mood. I didn't respond, but he knew what was bothering me. "We'll think about it later, together," he assured me, bringing a rare smile to my face.

After dealing with some paperwork, I confronted a colleague about a deal, demanding a bigger share of the profits or the company shares themselves. When he hesitated, I made my intentions clear. "I want this company," I declared. And just like that, victory was mine.

But as I sat at my desk, contemplating my next move, my mind drifted to a more personal matter. I checked my phone, closed my eyes, and took a deep breath before making a call. I knew she'd never agree to marry me, but she was the one I loved most.

Her voice echoed in my ears when she answered, "Haan, Sadu," making me smile despite myself. Our banter brought a sense of comfort, but underneath it all, I couldn't shake the feeling of longing for something more.

Later, I informed Rohan that I was leaving early to meet an old friend. At the Royal Club, I saw her in all her dazzling glory, and my spirits soared. Despite the years, she still had the power to captivate me.

As we embraced, her tears of joy touched my heart. "I missed you," she whispered, and I replied, "Me too, bachha." She was my rock, the one who understood me like no one else. And as we sat together, I couldn't help but feel grateful for her presence in my life.

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