The Saddest Girl In The World

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Once there lives the saddest girl,

What makes her the saddest is that she can't be one,

She's always smiling and laughing in a hurl,

Never did she become lonely, not even once.

One day her mother got so sick,

And her father beat her so hard with a stick,

For the saddest girl just laugh so hard and did not even cry,

When her mother loses its breath as it finally dies.

Her father abandoned her on the streets,

And there she met a blind man, whom she never greets,

"What's wrong with me?" the saddest girl just asked,

"Everything's wrong about you, dear," the blind man answered as it leaves so fast.

The saddest girl stared at the open air,

Smiling weirdly like a broken chair,

For why she's smiling, she don't have a clue,

She just can't feel anything, she hopes she knew.

And then she feels so funny, she hopes it stops,

That's why she went to a telephone booth to call the cops,

"Arrest me Sir," she said.

Yet they dropped the call for they feel so scared.

She went back on the shed where she used to sit,

And there she feels so hungry she wants some bread to eat,

She begs and begs, and the people who saw her just got so mad,

And when they beaten her to death, she feels so glad.

For this is the event the saddest girl has been waiting for,

To be destroyed right down her core,

This day's the best she ever had,

Since this is the first time she really feels so sad. 

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