The Man Who Turned Into a Cow

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Once there was a man, who turned into a cow,

On how comes he, he doesn't know.

When he wakes up, he already has a tail.

And if he speaks, he will just moo.

"Come on, give us some milk."

That's what his parents always speak,

And maybe this is the very reason,

Why his body commits treason.

Now that he's a little cow already,

He thinks his parents will become less greedy,

And that they'll finally set him free,

But sadly they tied him on a mango tree.

The cows just moo and moo each time he'll see someone,

They'll stare at him and then in a blink, they're already gone.

He can actually escape by chewing his own rope,

But the rejects the idea for it will make him feel like a dope. 

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