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"Gram, we're going to be late" I said rushing her out the door

"Ok, just wait" she answered looking for her phone

I looked at the clock 4:50 well at least that's what I think it says I'm not good at reading clocks

"Found it" My grandma said

"Ok what ever let's just go" I said running to the car

My hockey bag was already in the back so I hopped in the front seat

"I told you I wanted to leave at 4:30" I said

"It's not my fault I didn't hear you" she responded

"Yea ok what ever" I muttered

The rest of the ride there was silent it took 15 minutes to get to the arena but I like to be early like really early my grandma dosint get this though so I'm often late

At the arena only one other person was there, Nola I don't really know her all I know is she's my goalie and she really good at it but that's all, from what I've seen everyone on the team loves her

It's my first year of 10u and I've only been here a few weeks I have some friends from mites and one from my grade her name is Geminnie she has long black hair and she always appears to be were pink. My other best friend would be Brooke and Morgan they are twins but not identical Morgan has red hair and a ovaly type head while Brooke has blonde hair and a rounder head.

I realized the locker rooms were probably not locked seeing as Nola's mom was here she had to be qualified to open the door but she wasn't in the locker room and Nola wasn't either so I had to walk up to the door and walk in seems easy enough, but if the door was locked that would be really embarrassing so I had to choose to wait for Geminnie or walk in.

After a few minutes of standing waiting Nola finally walked into the locker room making the answer clear. I walked in but rather than sitting next to her I sat by the door. I'm not gonna lie Nola kinda intimidates me, I mean she's been doing this for years I basically just started, mites was my first year so including this year which just started I've been playing 2 years not including the one year were I had to learn to skate.

"Hi" Nola said interrupting my thoughts

"Oh, uh hi" I said awkwardly
I immediately regretted the way I sounded, I was probably over thinking though

The next day was a Friday and I could not wait to get out of school. We have this thing called specials and once a day we either go to art, gym, music, or fit in well which is just another PE class. Today we have art and we are making self portraits. I'm supposed to reflect my self into the portrait or something. I don't like adding color because I'm afraid I will make it wores.

"Aren't you going to add color" lyric asked

Lyric is my best friend sense 2nd grade (we're in 5th grade)

"No" I responded blankly

"Why not" she asked

"Because, I don't want to" I remarked
"aren't we supposed to reflect our selfs onto the portrait" she said

"Yea but what dose color have to do  with that" I said knowing something racist or gay could come out of her mouth

"Well to show your gayness" she answered, as expected

"I've already told you I'm not gay, and even if I was, and I'm not, I wouldint put it on my art work to be outed" I said sadly

"Sure your not and I'm not pansexual"she remarked

"Yes you are and I'm straight and straight as a line" I replied

"More like as straight as a circle" she said under her breath

It was finally the last few hours of the day and so close to hockey practice were I could see- uh never mind I just can't wait to get on the ice. I have band everyday so I walked down to the band room to get there we pass the 6th grade hallway and for no reason I look in all the classes with the door open but this time I saw Nola she looked up from her book and saw me she smiled, she her Nola smiled at me Quinn.

I got through band and put my trumpet away. I never did get why people think band kids are weird, but in my school they're not most of the football boys are in band and more importantly the hockey boys but we just include them as football boys.

And all the "popular" girls which aren't as popular as they think they are, I mean no offense to them but I know more people who don't like them then do, not all of them are bad though some of them can be nice. I have talked to all of them Geminnie is included in this group but I knew her before she became "popular" I only talk to them when I have to which is often I even had to make a whole new personality for them. That's something I do a lot I stay quiet till I know how you talk and stuff so I have a fitting personality for you.

I finally get to go to hockey practice and early this time when I say early I mean like really early, we have to be at practice at 5:00 and I'm there at 4:00 but I don't mind I just sit and wait till someone comes. It's usually Nola who is 2nd, but today Geminnie came 2nd

"oh hey queen" I said as she walked in

"Hey, are the locker rooms open" she ask putting down her stuff

"Nope" I responded
Just then Nola walked in

"Hey Geminnie" she said also putting down her stuff

I walked out of the warm box (it's just the lobby) I hate being a third wheel we all walked in the locker room Geminnie and Nola sat in the back and I sat next to the door. It was awkward so I just read a poster on the wall.

"I didn't know she went to our school"Nola said rather loudly

"Hm, oh Quinn, yeah she dose"Geminnie's also said loudly

It was obvious that I heard I just chose not to respond I walked out to get my skates tyed and so did Nola. Once the door closed she started asking me questions random questions but the only one I heard was

"Do you have a boyfriend?"
Before I could answer she just started saying names. I finally said no. She started getting really close to my face if we weren't wearing helmets she would have gotten close but I could still feel her breath on my face. My heart was beating so loud I thought she could hear it. Nothing happened for a minute so I tried to step away but she hooked my skate with her goalie stick so I couldn't get away. She still said nothing then the coach told her to get off me she listened. I'm guessing the coach is her dad but we have 2 assistant coaches

After practice I could not stop thinking about her, her blonde hair, her blue eyes, the way no matter how hard she tried there was always a hair in her face her voice. I realized what this meant but I didn't want to. And sense I didn't have a phone the only way to figure it out was by asking Lyric.

Hi it's me the author um this is my first story so sorry if it's bad. The main character has a friend group that includes Adeline, Lilly, Alivia, and lyric. If you don't like it don't tell me
Pls comments if you want me too keep writing this story

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