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Lyric helped me figure out that I'm bi I like girls and boys seeing as I like Louis before this and now I guess I like Nola

Today I have hockey practice I can't wait not just because of Nola I just really like hockey more than I thought I would. Hockey starts late tonight so I'm at home hiding away in my room as my grandma would say it's almost time to go though it's 5:20 so I should be there by 5:35 that's early enough

I finally got grandma out the door but it took a few minutes it's now 5:25 which means I will be there at 5:40. My anxiety started to get worse as I try to convince my self 5 minutes isn't that bad, sadly it's not working the whole way there I was messing with the button on my sleeve.
"My button broke again gram" I said
"Really this is the 5th time are you sure your putting it on right" she said not taking her eyes off the road
"Yeah pretty sure" I answered
"Fine just leave the button in the car" she pulled into the hockey arena
"Thanks" I said heading to the back of the car

When I got in I was surprised to see that only Nola was here so far

"Hi" she said looking up from her phone

"Hey queen" I responded
She gave me a weird look

"Hm?" I asked

"Nothing nobody's ever called me queen before" she said looking down

"Oh, yeah sorry" I answered

We walked over to the locker room I tried opening the door but it was locked

"I'll go get the key" she said

"Mkay" I waited there for her staring at the number 5 plastered across the door

"Hey, I got it" she said walking up

"We're is your mom" I asked as she was opening the door

"Oh she had to work" we walked in

"So uh" she started then she opened her mouth like she wanted to say something

"Yeah" I said trying to help

"How long have you been playing" she finally asked but I could tell that's not what she was going to say

"Basically a year, you" I replied

"Oh uh I've been playing for 3 years, your good for one year though" she said opening her bag

"Not really" I said under my breath

We started getting ready then she noticed the missing button

"What happened she asked getting up and walking towards me

"Oh uh nothing much I just got a little anxious and it fell off again"

"Hm, why don't you come over here and sit by me" she asked

"Oh uh it's fine I can stay here" but she was already moving my bag

"No you will sit by me"

I blushed slightly. More people came and got ready till there was about 8 people there not our full team and Geminnie wasn't here. We were told to pick partners but all my friends were gone then Nola skated up and asked if I want to be here partner, I was surprised because she had like 4 other people asking to be together

Soon I realized why we had to pick partners, we were pulling people. I had no problem with pulling Nola it was her pulling me I was worried about and my mind filled with overwhelming thoughts about how she would judge me. Luckily it wasn't that bad she was surprisingly strong

After that we played a mini game 3 vs 3 my team was shooting on the big peace of plastic and we were protecting Nola. We lost 4:5 after that Nola skated up to me

"Don't worry about losing you slayed they were probably like cheating or something" that surprisingly conferred me a little. Then she did something I wasn't expecting she hugged me, me of all people. After like 1 minute she pulled back, I could feel my face heat up. I'm mixed so I'm not extremely dark which makes it so you can easily tell when I blush.

After practice I went home and showered surprised by her hugging me. I don't like hugging people it makes me uncomfortable, and even when I have too it's just a side hug

Hi it's me the author, sorry this chapter was short but I hope you liked it

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⏰ Last updated: May 07 ⏰

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