Chapter 6: Delay in payment

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“Dana, I’m just here to get the money like you promised,” Madison said.

“What money?” Dana asked.

Madison head snapped and she began to see red. She slowly began to approach Dana until she was stopped.

“Dana, I got married in your place so I can get the money for my sister's treatment.  I have no time for your games, please give me the money so I can leave” Madison said, started to feel a little irritated at Dana's unnecessary acting.

“You brat!” Dana's mother, Michaela walked in and said in a displeased tone, “We should give you the money so that you can run away from your day old marriage, you must really think we are dumb” she sneered.

Madison was about to reply in anger but she stopped and took a deep breath to calm herself. She blamed herself a little for not expecting such a turnout, maybe she should have had a back up plan instead. But now it was too late, she was married to a stranger and didn't get the contract money as well. She felt deeply played but she knew she couldn't get angry just yet or else you would never receive the money from them.

“Micheala and Dana, you have my word, I won't run away from the marriage. Please I need the money urgently, please give it to me” Madison pleaded with a shaky voice.

“No, no that won't do. I don't trust a word that comes out of your mouth. It's just a day since you got married, stay a little longer and I'll give you the money” Dana said with a smirk.

“And don't bother going to your father, this is a very crucial time for him so he is busy with the new business partnership and is away on a business trip. He left the money with us so we control when to give it to you” Michaela added with a devilish smile.

“Go on now. Go home to your rebel husband” Dana mocked and the duo burst out laughing.

Madison felt like crying but she pushed the tears back and turned around to leave. She didn't want them to see her weak and think they have worn. She has no choice now than to wait for Dana and her mother to give her the money, meanwhile she had a strange husband to deal with.

She walked out of her father's house and entered the car with a forlorn look on her face while still lost in thoughts.

“Are you okay ma'am?” Maximus, the driver asked in concerned after seeing her face from the mirror.

His question pulled Madison out of thoughts and she managed a smile and said she was fine.

“Take me home please” She said

“Yes, ma'am” he said and started the car engine. They revved out of the car pack and was soon on their way home.

When Madison walking into her matrimonial house, Gabriella walked up to her and bowed slightly. “Ma'am, Young Mr. Salvatore told me to tell you to get ready as you both will be having dinner with his family. He will be back soon to pick you up” she said.

Dinner with his family? Madison nodded a little surprised. She was married but knew nothing about her husband and his family, maybe this was a good chance to know them more. She followed Gabriella back to her room and she was welcomed back a row of beautiful dresses on a hanger, shoes and jewelries and a familiar luggage by the side.

“What's this?” Madison asked in shock. The dresses looked expensive and fancy, one was worth more than her salary.

“Your mother sent your luggage while you were out and the dresses and accessories are from Young Mr. Salvatore. He said you should try them on, anyone that doesn't fit will be replaced and you should wear one for dinner tonight” she explained.

Madison was pleasantly surprised and a little excited to try the dresses, shoes and jewelry. Remembering the strange behavior from Robert the day before, she concluded and waved it off that he was probably exhausted from the wedding and was just a little cranky. She couldn't imagine such a “Rebel” as everyone called him to be this nice. Now she looked forward to dinner with the Salvatore family.

After trying on multiple dresses, she finally settled with a black dress with thin hands and net crossing at the back that dropped low to rest on her waist. The rest part flowed to stop at her leg, a metre away from her ankle with a high slit by the side. The dress hugged her body in the right places, making her beautiful body show in all it's glory.

She matched it with silver stilettos heel that sparked with diamonds, a silver earrings and necklace and a black furry purse. Gabriella helped her do her dark brown hair into curls and a light makeup on her face. When she was done, Madison looked at herself in the mirror and she was stunned by how beautiful she looked. She felt like a princess in a castle with all the expensive items on her, she never imagined her life would turn out like this. Not even the day before did she imagine she would be a married woman to a billionaire, it all just happened and she was yet to recover from the shock.

“You look beautiful ma'am” Gabriella complimented with a genuine smile.

“Thank you, I feel beautiful” Madison said with a satisfied smile.

“Do you know any information about the Salvatore family, what are they like, do you think they would like me?” Madison suddenly asked as the thought crossed her mind. She couldn't help but feel nervous about meeting her husband's family properly for dinner. She had seen them at the wedding but they barely spoke because of the many activities. She was ready to give this marriage a shot and so she wanted to make a good impression.

“My apologizes ma'am. I don't know more than you already know” Gabriella said.

Madison was about to press further when a knock came from the door.
“Young Mrs. Salvatore, Sir Robert has arrived and is waiting for you downstairs” another maid said.

Madison took a deep breath and said, “I'm coming right down in a minute”
She looked at her reflection in the mirror one more time, she couldn't help but wonder what Robert would think of her. Would she be able to capture his attention and make his family like her?

Well, here goes nothing…

Married to the Rebellious Mr. SalvatoreHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin