Chapter 10: Anonymous payment

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Madison checked the time on the phone, it was two hours left before the time given by the doctor elasped but she was still without any money at all. She sat in front of the hospital building, scared to go inside to meet a disappointed mother and an unconscious sister. She had several missed calls from her mother and Morrison but she refused to pick up. She didn't know how to face them.

Suddenly, she received a text message from her mother,

“Why aren't you picking your calls, are you okay, the doctor is done with the surgery and says Mandy might wake up anytime” the text message read.

Madison jumped up abruptly from the bench in shock. What does her mother mean by the surgery is over? How is that possible?

She rushed into the hospital building and immediately located the surgery theatre, just as she arrived there, Mandy was been rolled out from the room. She was asleep and looked quite peaceful, the glow on her face had returned too.

“Madison, where have you been?” Joyce spotted her first and came up to her while they both followed the nurses wheeling the stretcher. Her eyes were brighter and happier but her swollen eyes still showed she had been crying.

“Sorry, I… I had some work…” Madison stammered to explain despite her confusion.

“By the way, how did you get Dana and her mother to pay? I was about to lose hope when the doctor came along to start the surgery. Thank you my daughter, it must have not been easy” She said

Madison stopped what she was going to say and swallowed her words, she decided not to tell her mother about her confrontation with Dana and Michaela, she didn't want her to worry.
Did Dana make the payment, but why? Did she like about spending the money and had a change of heart?

Madison rushed to receptionist desk immediately Mandy was successfully transferred and sleeping peacefully. She asked about who paid her sister's treatment money.

After a minute with the computer, the receptionist came back and said, “It was sent anonymously, the person didn't give a name at all”

Madison sighed, something told her it wasn't Dana who paid for it but why did the person not want to be known, she was forever indebted to that person for saving her sister's life.

“Please how much did the person pay?” Madison asked.

“The person paid for the past debts, surgery and the drugs she will needing. So everything” the receptionist answered

Madison gasped in shock, paying everything would be running into millions of dollars. She was now more than eager to find out who this mystery person was. She thanked the receptionist and left to get the drugs that had already been paid for.

Or was it her Dad? Probably not. He was on a business trip and as far as he was concerned, he had already given the money to Dana and her mother.

Madison couldn't stop thinking about the mystery helper but she was very happy and grateful regardless, if not for the person, what would have happened to Mandy?

After getting the drugs, she went to join her mother to watch Mandy. They were both happy and the atmosphere was much lighter than it was before. They talked about other things and joked around too. Madison wished their days will always be like this, it's been so long since they felt happy as a family, that's why she cherished that moment very much.

“So what about your husband? I haven't seen him since the wedding day” Joyce asked during one of their conversations.

“I haven't seen him much either” Madison said. She did not tell her mother about her husband's behavior and disappearance before because Mandy's health issue was the main priority. She also didn't want her mother to feel bad about the her being in a loveless marriage just to treat her sister. But now that everything was fine, she didn't mind telling her.

“What do you mean?” Joyce asked in curiousity.

Madison went ahead to explain what happened after their marriage, Robert's behavior at the dinner with his family and his disappearance.

“Why didn't you tell me about this before?” Joyce asked with a sad face. She felt bad that her daughter was going through all that because of her failure to take care of them.

“I didn't want to bother you, ma. Mandy is our first priority and I wanted that to be settled first. Don't feel sad, I'm fine and besides I was the one that agreed to the contract marriage anyway” Madison said with a small smile. Contract marriage or not, she still wanted to be happy in her marriage but Robert wasn't giving them a chance at all.

“But still, my darling daughter, you are still too young to be faced with such a failed marriage. Now that you have told me, I think you should end the marriage. We have gotten Mandy's treatment settled and the purpose of the contract has been fulfilled so you are well within your right to end the marriage” Madison's mother advised her.

“But I don't think the contract has been completed on both sides. I was supposed to get money for Mandy's treatment and he was supposed to have the company handed to him. My side has been settled but what about him? That time at the dinner with his family, his father said he wasn't going to hand over to him yet” Madison said after some thought.

“And so what, what do you care about him? He doesn't even respect you or acknowledges your presence. Why should you worry if his part of the contract has been fulfilled? Besides, his father didn't say he wasn't going to hand over the company to him because of a fault in your marriage but rather because of his rebellious character. So how does that concern you? Infact I think now is the best time to end the marriage on the basis of his absence, he is not fulfilling his duties as a husband. Or do you want to end up like me whose husband cheated on and abandoned?” her mother questioned even more.

Madison remained quiet as she thought about what her mother just said. Should she really end her contract with Robert? She knew her mother was right, why should she have to stay in a loveless marriage, it was not the type of marriage she envisioned for herself. But why was she hesitant to end it all with Robert?


Hi, Author here 👋. This is my first author note talking to you guys and I'm so excited. Let's officially introduce ourselves...

I'm Precious from Nigeria. You?
I'd love to know where my readers are from 🤗

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