Chapter 1 Meeting a Goddess

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School is exhausting. Math homework, English home work, don't forget your collage classes. It's so tiring. I want to go home. The bell rings, signaling school was over. Everyone rushes into the hallways and out to the parking lot. I, on the other hand, head to my Psychology class. I have to do my work there so I know I'll get it done.

As I do my work, Ms. M offers me a snack. I politely decline and focus on my work. Once I'm done, I hand it in and head to the library. The library is nice. It is quiet. There, I do the rest of my homework. Miss Lotty, the librarian, sets down two new books for me. I hand her the ones I have finished and thank her. She lets me be the first to read the new books that come into the library. She is a sweet old lady in her sixties. Her white curly hair bounces as she walks away.

I notice it is almost seven and head home. Miss Lotty stayed longer after the library closed just so I could have a quiet place to work. At home, it is chaios. Parents are screaming, my sister is breaking things. I take a deep breath before yelling, "EVERYONE FREEZE!" Everyone stops and looks at me. I smile at them and give them instructions. "Suzzie, go do your homework. Mom, go work in your garden, that always makes you feel better, and dad, breathe, look around, and think before you speak, no need to fight." Everyone listens and goes their separate ways.

After helping Suzzie with her homework and getting her dinner, I put her to bed. Mom comes in from the garden and goes to take a shower. Dad is already asleep, thank God. I let mom know I'm going to the store before grabbing the keys and leaving. Okay, so what if I don't have my license yet... or my learners. I'm a good driver! It's almost ten when I pull into the parking lot of Walmart. Not many people out. I grab a buggie (shopping cart for those who are uncultured) and go in.

Okay, what is first on my list? I need bread, milk, apple juice, hotdogs, ketchup, cheese, dog food, cat litter, bananas, tomatoes, and what else? I'll figure it out as I go. I shop around and soon my buggie is full. I think I deserve a treat! I walk over to the kids section and look at the toys. I spot this stuffed bunny and grab it. As I head to checkout, I see a poster of The Tortured Poets Department. I really want that. I pick up the poster and the bunny. Looking between them both, I try to decide which I would rather have.

"Hmm, bunny or Taytay? Let's see...." I say to myself. "That's a hard decision!" Someone says from behind me. I jump and turn around. "I... I..." I'm at a loss for word. Holy mother Taylor. What is Taylor Swift doing at a Walmart in my town? Why is she talking to me? Why is she looking at me? What do I do? What should I say? I have to tell Sierra! "Hey, it's okay, just breathe." Taylor says, placing her hand on my back. I'm crying. Why am I crying?

"What's wrong, babe?" She asks softly. "I... um... hi!" I can't think. "Hi, I'm Taylor" she laughs. I laugh to and relax. "I'm Jo... sorry, I think I panicked," I respond. "That's okay, I think you should get the bunny," she smiles. "What, oh, haha, um if you say so, but I really want the poster," I am calm now. Well, I am acting calm, I'm still freaking out inside. She smiles at me and grabs the poster. "I'll get it for you then!" Oh my God, this woman is a literal angel. She is my roman empire. I nod and walk to check out. "Oh my goodness, I am so sorry Miss Swift! I thought all the customers were out already!" The mager says. He is the only person at checkout.

"It's perfectly fine, I'll be bying this lovely boys groceries for him. Do you happen to have a pen by chance?" She asks. As the manager scans my groceries, I try to convince Taylor that she doesn't have to by them for me. She refused to listen. Then she opened the poster and signed it. Wait.. SHE SIGNED IT. HOLY SHIT! "It was nice meeting you, Jo. Drive safe," she says kindly. I nod as she walks away. I look at the manager and he stares at me. "Are you okay? That's a dumb question, you just met a Goddess. Are you breathing?" He asks. "I am in utter shock... I should go home." He nods as I push my buggie to my car. As soon as I start driving home, I call Sierra.

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