Chapter 2 Dandelions

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After the meeting, Taylor has me go with her to a greet and meet. Or is it a meet and greet? Anyways, B got to ride with us this time. She was so excited! B, not Taylor. Taylor is all happy though. "So, this is your chaperone, she is nice!" Tay says. B's face turns pink, but only I notice. "Yeah, B is amazing!" I say happily. When we get to the meet and greet, people are lined up. We have to enter through a side door.

B and I are taken to the room for the meet and greet while Tay has hair and makeup. I don't get why she needs it, she already looks great. In the room, B and I sit at the table. "I saw you blush," I say trying to pick on her. "Oh shut up, no I didn't!" She says, face turning red. "You're blushing right now! Lovebug!" I laugh. She laughs too. "B and TayTay sitting in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G, first-" I start to sing in a sing-song way until Tay walks in. I shut up pretty fast.

"People will be coming in any minute now, be prepared," Tay says. She sits between me and B. People pour in and soon I am surrounded by screaming crying women. Holy shit. Tay is signing autographs like a boss and blowing kisses and trying to talk to fans. I have no clue how to handle this. I feel myself shrinking. Smaller and smaller. I'm scared, it's too loud. There are too many people. It's too much. I look at mom and she stands up. "I'll be back, Jo needs a minute," she say to Tay. Tay nods and B grabs my hand and leads me out into a back hallway.

"You okay?" She asks. "Too loud. Too many people. Too much." I say, sinking down into the floor. I cover my ears with my hands and close my eyes as tight as I can. Breathe. Just breathe. Better. I look up at B and she looks worried. "We can go back to the Hotel if you need too, Taylor would understand." She offers. "No, because then you would have to go with me and I know you want to be here." I say quietly. She sits beside me and ĺooks at the wall. "You can go back in and be with Tay, I'll be okay out here," I look over at her. "You sure you'll be okay?" She asks. I nod and she heads back.

I'm out here for about two hours before B and Tay walk out. When I see them I'm half asleep. B shakes me lightly to wake me up. "You okay?" She asks. I nod while I stand up. "It's lunch time and I know you missed breakfast. You must be starving! What would you like for lunch?" Tay asks me. "I'm not really hungry," I say quietly. Tay frowns and so does B.

"Would you like a happy meal?" B asks. I smile at her and nod. "Great, we will get you a happy meal then!" Tay says cheerfully. I offer her a smile, which she greatfully accepts. On the way to the car, a man runs at us. Before security can stop him, he tries to tackle Tay, but I stupidly jump in his way. This man practically crushes me. Security pull him away as mom helps me up. "You okay?" She asks. I nod. "Thanks for saving me, but you didn't have to," Tay says as she opens the door for me. I shrug and get in. My knee hurts and I can see a little bit of blood going through my jeans.

I decide to stay quiet about it though. After I get my happy meal, Tay let's me go back to my hotel room. Her and B go out for lunch after dropping me off I assume. I change out of my jeans and put a bandaid on my scraped knee. I slide on a clean pair of jeans and grab my wallet. There were some shops down the street that I would like to check out. I place the toy from th happy meal on the little end table by the bed before leaving. On my way to the shops, I give the happy meal to a homeless dude. At least I think he is homeless.

I go into this old thrift store and look around. I decide to get overalls, a straw hat, and a Harry Potter doll. The doll is for mom. Before I leave, I spot a ring. It is silver with a spark crimson crystal in the center. I get that for Tay. I hope she will like it. The shop owner was so nice and have me a really good deal. She said something about kids these days and how you gotta treat the good ones well so they don't leave. Sounds like she has kid issues and her kid has mommy issues.

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