Journey, acceptance

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It's been a week after karn asked the permission to leave on the journey of evolution on the path of educational guidence he had immersed himself for the preparation of the journey he has asked for the horse from his father and started to make different things he deemed necessary for the journey like a dager, bow and arrow and ration conservation for the journey.
Today in the morning after his maditation and Surya Puja he asked blessings and farewell for his journey from his parents with hope glimmering in his eyes to shine on the stage of world to make changes to start a revolution with determination in his heart he started his journey towards mahendragiri parvat the abode of divine teacher of the time bhagwan parshuram.

On his journey he crossed the prestigious braj bhumi mathura, with the bank of yamuna to south east side of aryavart in his journey he meet several Rishi and ask for guidance but all rejected him for his cast but due to his great intellect and wit he learned the basis of veds from listening to the ved path through his journey he has gained a mass of knowledge from the outside world to work with he has seen ADHARM and DHARM both playing there role heard stories from Rishis of curses and boons and the situations when the boon becomes curses and curse became boon. On his journey towards enlightenment he desires answer to the mystery of the working of the world what manages it and why manage it is there a meaning or its pure instinct of the almighty and in his journey he as found the path to get the answer and as the day pass that path because clear the answer to reach his goal of enlightenment is in his view.

Several days of travel and rigorous regime had made the foundation of karn strong and make his thoughts more wide and flexible unlike before now he doesn't fixated on DHARM but trying to grasp a concept which liberate on a higher level and for that now he has reached the foot of the Mountain mahendragiri.

Karn: - finally I reached the place where my journey will start the journey which determines what will become of new me who is a mix of original karn and a 21st century man 😁 I'm so excited. Let's see what challenges are ahead

After making his resolve he started climbing the mountain to the holy abode of bhagwan parshuram on his way he not just only climbed but make a full map, memory of the surrounding throughout the mahendragiri parvat. After some more days of wait and he has finally reached the peak of the mountain and reached the ashram of the most fearsome guru of aryavart bhagwan parshuram when he reaches the ashram he saw temple of lord Shiv where a shivling was magnificently and mejiatcaly situated he move around the ashram and after some time when he came to the temple he found a man praying to the shivling with a aura which seems devoide of everything and at the same time seems to represent everything he's bee awe struck and lot in his thoughts and forgot to take note of his surroundings.

Karn Pov
The aura this man has it's the aura I ideals it's seems what I'm aiming for us this year this the plane I'm aiming for connecting to the very essence of energy just like you seems vanished in the energy or the energy itself but really if now I think back when I meet the tridev they have the similar kind of energy or no I'm wrong completely wrong they had more to it they seem like the originator of the energy not one with like they are the makers of the energy yes but if this what I theories is correct then I'm sure he is yes lord bhagwan parshuram the deciple of the lord Shiv himself the person who perged the evil kshatriya from the earth 21 times.

Bhagwan parshuram pov
Who is he? He seems to be lost in something and trying something with total concentration and his body and spirit has a good foundation it seems he is calm but lost in inner turmoil yet the turmoil he has is the urge of evolution not of evil what is his objective to reach here. Hmm it seems he has got what he was thinking now is the time.

Bhagwan parshuram: - who are you child?

Karn: - I'm karn bhagwan (karn said while taking blessings from bhagwan parshuram) I've travelled long for the guidence from you I wanted to serve you with my devotion to satisfy my hunger of knowledge I've came here to ask to become your deciple bhagwan.

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