road to rajsurya - 1

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Next morning with Rise of the sun theirs a new environment in aryavart two big nations are preparing for war magadh and panchal one is preparing for defence and other for attack on the orders of Karn eklaylvya has prepared the soldiers of magadh to March towards panchal he has prepared 3 akshohini Sena to march and 2 akshohini in reserve. Magadh has total 20 akshohini Sena in active stationed throughout the Magadh and Allies Nation as Magadh station his troops in Allies nation as a precaution and 7 akshohini in reserve total 27 akshohini Sena. It took 3 days for Eklavya to make the troops prepare to march towards panchal on the 4 days Magadh started the march towards panchal as soon as they started drupad was informed by his spys and he ordered his senapati sikhndini to prepared the army for battle.

After several days of travel Magadh reach panchal they made the tents and send a last peace messenger towards panchal after the rejection of the peace messenger the war is destined to happen next day panchal had prepared a chakravyuh in response Magadh army was standing in a spread formation as a spectator in the front karn was standing in his chariot with his Surya dhanush in his hand seeing the chakravyuh he blowed his shunk with the warriors of Panchal previous day he has ordered his troop as he will be the only one to battle the army of Panchal it took time but everyone had too follow the order of their king. As soon the shunk has blowed karn ordered his chariotor to move the chariot forward he instructed the chariotor and broke the chakravyuh easily by bounding the troops he used nagpash to bound shikhandi after using a illusion arrow and then he marched toward drupad he broke all the weapons of drupad he fought fiercely as he wanted to demonstrate a big gap in the strength as it is needed for further negotiations and as all the weapons was broken drupad made a Illusion and 4 more drupad came seeing this karn smile and said.

Karn: - maharaj drupad your illusion are childish I'm not here to play it would be easy to break the illusion but I want to install fear in you so..

After that he summoned a sword like a katana and in a single slash cut the illusion and the real drupad's neck now is under karna sword and then he bound the drupad and took him to his palace in Panchal and he sat on the throne as he technically the king of Panchal and he imprisoned drupad in dungeon for a while week but provided all necessary requirements. After a week a meeting was called the foreign minister of Magadh has arrived in panchal directly from dwarka and the terms was decided for the treaty it took lots of talk and negotiation but all was in favour of Magadh drupad was now again a king of Panchal but all the major decisions will made by parliament of Magadh. And all the development that Magadh had are to be implemented in panchal and Magadh will station 1/2 akshohini Sena and many more trade and military treaty was signed all majorly in favour of Magadh all this implications took 8-9 months and then the news of kalapradashan was made and reached them karn decided that they will attack hastinapur the next day of kalapradashan after giving the orders he send a spy unit soly to kidnap his parents from hastinapur as his parents has refused to leave hastinapur after so many requests and he didn't wanted to danger there lives he ordered his spy to kidnap carefully his parents yes he told the spy that the person they are going to kidnap are his parents and to arrest them in his house in magadh properly and inform about this to mahamantri ji.

On the day of kalapradashan all the kuru princes displayed there valor and Arjun was declared the best archer in the world 🌎 by his guru dronacharya. As Karn received the details he send a messenger of war towards hastinapur with the message of peace to and his demands all demands were same as he has asked from panchal without a exception with seals of all his allies.

In hastinapur.

In the royal court everyone was presented and as there was no interruption yudhisthir will be declared the yuvraj without a problem and that was going to happen but they were distributed by dronacharya who asked his gurudakshina as he was asking his gurudakshina the messages was arrived in hastinapur and was waiting to be called in royal court but the messages that had to inform about these messages arrival was waiting for guru dron to finish as guru dron  ask his gurudakshina it became a chaos in royal court but at the end it was decided that the prince will go to give there guru dakshina to go In The war against Panchal naresh drupad. Just as guru dron ends maharaj declared that till the gurudakshina was given the declaration of yuvraj will be postponed and the gurudakshina because a compitition to because yuvraj after this the message came forward and ask Maharaj to bring the messages came from magadh to the court hearing this the whole environment of royal court change as they didn't have any relation with Magadh as they are shocked to know about the arrival of the messengers from magadh as the messages came to the court first the peace message was given and the written message was given to mahamantri vidhur and mahamahim bhism after hearing and reading the message all because angry 💢 as the message was written as Magadh didn't consider hastinapur a threat and looking down on hastinapur this make bhism angry the most and Pandavas started to make comments to the messager as bhim"get lost and wait for our army we will crush your kingdom and jarasandh what he thing he can't die I will crush him under my feet" Arjun " go mahodya return to magadh and tell jarasandh to wait for this dhananjay".
Listing to all this the second messanger steps up and said there a second message to maharaj and hand the message to mahamaantri and mahamahim and speaks the second message "if you are hearing this message then you have regected my peace proposal so be it I will bring my army tomorrow at the gates of hastinapur and show you the might of magadh you evil kurus". After telling the messager speak again "Maharaja I think hastinapur us a little bit behind the knowledge of aryavart as you can see the message was signed by all are Allies as not that are Allies will bring the the army too and jarasandh was killed 7 years before Rajkumar bhim now the king of magadh is Maharaj Karn and our king has shown the wish to do the rajyasurya vajna so prepare for the war maharaj saying this they left and afternoon some time mahamantri speaks maharaj there is no such thing to worry about magadh allies are all usual but there are some very troublesome additional in it one is panchal and other is dwarka and I have checked the authenticity of the seals they are genuine. Listening to this everyone was stunned and the mahamahim speaks "there is no need to worry hastinapur has faced many wars before and will face many in future but the one that always come on top will always be hastinapur now we also have the next generation of hastinapur. And guru dron I think you will wait a little bit longer for your gurudakshina."

Hearing this everyone becomes relaxed as they belive in bhism as he the most powerful warrior of hastinapur and dron speak "I've waited this long mahamahim I can wait till the end of this war too."after this all 105 rajkumar left to prepare for the war and bhism left for a meeting with dron, kripacharya, vidhur, dhitrashtra and shakuni.

Bhism: - this is a troublesome situation we have to assume that they have defeated panchal as drupad will never agree to make alliance with Magadh and the new king karn the messengers speaks of is also troublesome as no weak can kill jarasandh who is feared as immortal in aryavart and they also have support of dwarka.

Kripacharya: - you are right mahamahim there are so many things we don't know about the enemy but we know that they will attack tomorrow.

Shakuni: - yes kripacharya but we don't know how many troops are they bringing Magadh has 23 akshohini Sena in the time of jarasandh but we don't know how many will the new king bring and how many there are the rajkumar ae currently preparing the troops and themselves for the war.

Dronacharya: - offcourse he will bring as many troops he can gandharaj only a full will attack hastinapur without using there full strength.

Shakuni: - that may be the case with others guru dron you were also there when they speak of the peace message it clearly shows that the new king doesn't think the mighty kuru's are a threat to him.

Dhritarashtra: - Sakuni is right tatshree we have to prepare as much as we can.

Bhism: - you are right Putra we can't underestimate the enemy. Come dron, kripacharya ji let's see the preparation we don't have much time they probably will attack tomorrow morning.

After this all left for there work.

In panchal karn has asked eklavya to call ipon the reserve troops and now they are ready to march with the total of 5 akshohini Sena towards hastinapur.

To be continued.....

Next War of hastinapur open for reader consideration if you want something you wanted to see tell me I will blend it in as much as I can.

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