Chapter 4

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A long part of the book ahead will be in flashback.

Which P.O.V do you prefer the most :- 3rd person or 1st person?


/Author's P.O.V./

16 years ago 


A tall muti-story building of cream color with maroon highlights can be seen standing strong in one of the posh areas of Jaipur. An 11 year old girl, dressed neatly in maroon and cream colored uniform with black polished shoes stands near a black colored Audi.

She looks at the building in awe. It is so much bigger and beautiful than her previous school. 'City School' written in golden letters in calligraphy, stares back at her. 'It is so much more than what that booklet showed.' She smiles widely feeling excitement buzz in her veins. Her new school! New friends! New teachers! New activities!

But her innocence makes her unaware of the turmoil and worry visible on the faces of her parents who stand close to the brother-sister duo. They knew both of their kids were competitive in nature, excelling in studies and extra-curricular activities, both. But will they settle well in an atmosphere where the kids are from such high-class families of the state?

When their parents were stable enough, they had made it their goal to fulfill each and every dream of their kids, who had endured their previous financial condition without a single frown on their faces. Education was the starting point.

Their kids had given entrance exams for many schools. Call it their luck or fate or dedication, but they were able to clear the entrance exam and interview both of one the top schools in the state. Their family was full of joy for their bright future. Though they're not so well off now, but they can deal with it for their kid's smiles.

But they were scared! Will their kids who are so polite and kind be able to mingle and probably fight for a spot in the cut throat competition for which the 'City School' is famous? There might be some mean, obnoxious kids.  

"Shall we go inside?" Aditya, Aryahi's brother questions eager to see the interior. They get inside and doing all the first day formalities, collecting books and doing introductions with their respective teachers, their parents leave them in their second home, their school.

While ascending the staircase leading to the second floor where the classrooms were located, Aditya smiles at Aryahi and whispers, "This is so cool right?" One of the teachers is giving them a tour of the school premises.

The building has five floors, two grounds - one for assembly and other for festivals and activities. The backside of the school has basketball court, skating arena, lawn tennis court and football ground. All so massive, covering acres of land! The ground floor has library and labs. Each floor has classes divided into four sections. 

The teacher, coordinator of the 4th and 5th standard, is already impressed with this duo. Coming from a new rich family, you would expect them to be diffident. But they have such a confident gait, answering all the questions in a fluent tone without a single stutter. She now understands the reason why their school Director asked to pay special attention to them.

They reach Aryahi's class first, all cream colored walls with graffiti of cartoon characters on the wall. Her attention was captured by 'Handy Mandy' tool kits drawn, that she didn't see a boy her age going past her in the class accompanied by an assistant. But her brother noticed him and wondered why an elder was needed to drop him to his class.

Shrugging these thoughts, he bids Aryahi farewell and wishes her luck. Asking for permission to enter, she gets inside the class. All chatter stops and children stare at her. A teacher in her mid 40s gives her a warm smile. "New student?" "Yes ma'am." Aryahi answers politely.

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