Chapter 8

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/Author's P.O.V/


The agile motorcycle swiftly overtook the other vehicles in the jam-packed city traffic. Aryahi's uncle was mindful of driving with caution, having a child as his pillion rider and also due to the potholes. 

The bike jumps in a deep pothole, and Aryahi's heart beat raises, as if worried about a bad happening. "Chachu, please slow down." Her uncle looks at her from the side mirror and slows the bike. But seeing a slow riding bus in front of him, he decides to overtake it. 

The right side had a small dirt path. For the absence of footpath, he thinks to cross the bus and then get back on the road. As soon as the heavy bike, gets down on the small path, its back tire skids.

Aryahi, was unable to comprehend what happened. Everything occurred in a split second. 

From them riding merrily, to the bike slipping. And her uncle trying to balance it and falling, with having his legs stuck under it. 

And his niece, falls from the vehicle and rolls on the road. The passersby look horrified as a bus zooms past the young tumbling girl. But she spreads on the road, landing on her right cheek, safe from the bus.

The onlookers, lift her up and make her sit in a nearby shade. There's a ringing in her ears, she's unable to hear anyone and her body feels numb. She looks at her uncle and her eyes widen on looking at the blood coming from his head. But her uncle grimaces more on seeing his niece. The result of a hasty decision and lack of patience! 

He curses his fate. But looks with awe at the brave girl, who didn't have a single tear in her eye, rather she consoles the elder, "I'm okay." Together, they're taken to a nearby hospital.


"Mummy, don't cry. I'm okay. Really! Doctor uncle said I'll be fit and fine in a while." Right now, Aryahi is on a phone call with her mother, who's crying. Her father had rushed to the hospital along with her grandpa. They had hated the sight of their Chanda (moon), on the hospital bed, with her clothes torn from places because of her tumbling. 

She has a few bruises on her knee, wrist and elbow. The winter clothes acted as a shield to protect her from more damage. But most of the impact was bore by her right cheek. Her full cheek was badly blistered due to the concrete road. Her full cheek was covered in a bloody mess, and very slowly a scan was forming on it.

The doctors had denied to cover the wound as it needed healing. There was not a burning feel, but just a slight stinging pain. The doctors have anticipated that a big after scar might form on her cheek, which can remain for lifetime. Her parents were scared. But Aryahi being unaware of everything, was just thinking of leaving the hospital soon as the smell of medicines and disinfectants was heavy in the air. 

Being discharged after a few hours, she is resting in her room. Her parents have submitted her medical report and asked for seven days leave. Aryahi was sad on knowing that she would have to miss her classes. But she has decided to cope with it. Wanting to heal early for her dance competition.

In these days, all she did was have a liquid diet as a bit of her right lip was bruised too, sleep straight on the bed to not disturb the wound, which was a task in itself and apply ointment many times a day. 

"Chanda, take a few days leave. Go from first weak of February. Your wound is not healed yet." Despite the soft voice of her mother, she had been angry on learning that she might miss her competition. The competition she put her days and nights to prepare for. The air was heavy with disagreement in the Parihar household, with everyone trying to make Aryahi understand to her first being sad, then angry and then frustrated. 

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