part ❤️ 10

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Tay and New sat quietly in the car as they made their way to the bar. Upon arrival, they met Tay's friend, Arm and off. They all entered the bar and settled onto a sofa. off remarked, "Nice to meet you, New. It's the first time we've met since your wedding." New replied politely, "Nice to meet you too." Arm then asked New what he'd like to order, to which New responded, "You can order anything you like. I'll have what you're having." Tay signaled the waiter over, and they placed their orders.

They drank and indulged in some random talk. Tay had ordered only spicy food, but New, who didn't prefer spicy dishes, ate very little. Off then asked New, "Why aren't you eating?" New simply replied, "I'm not that hungry."  Tay just glanced at New but didn't say anything. At that moment, Tay's college girlfriend, Namten, spotted him and approached. "Tay, is that you?" she exclaimed. Tay responded, "Namten, what are you doing here?" Namten explained, "I came with my friends. Can you come meet them? You know them; they're also our college friends." Tay looked at New briefly, then said, "Okay, let's go."

As Tay walked away, leaving New alone on the sofa, Off remarked, "New, you haven't been drinking either. What's going on? Aren't you having fun?" New responded, "I'm not drinking, and if I did, no one would be able to control me. That's what Gun always says." Arm added, "You don't remember what you do when you drink." New nodded in agreement. Off then asked, "How long have you and Gun been friends?" New replied, "We've been friends since childhood." Arm nodded in understanding. Then Arm suggested, "New, do you want to dance?" New declined, but Arm insisted, pulling Off along with him. Off assured New, "We'll be back soon. Stay here and order whatever you like, okay?" New simply nodded in response.

New sat alone on the sofa when a man approached him, saying, "Sir Thitipoom, is that you?" New looked at the man and replied, "Oh, Earth! What are you doing here?" Earth answered, "I wanted a drink, so I came here. What about you? Why are you alone here, sir?" New responded, "No need to be formal here; you can call me New and I'm not alone; Tay and his friend came with me." Earth nodded and said, "But they're not here now. Can I join you since I'm alone too?" New agreed, "Sure."ok Earth's offer drink to new, New politely declined.Earth then offered a soft drink to New, who nodded in agreement. They enjoyed their drinks, chatting and sharing smiles. Meanwhile, Tay noticed New smiling and conversing with someone and felt a pang of jealousy. He decided to ignore it and continued talking to his college friend, all the while keeping an eye on New. When he saw the man taking New somewhere, Tay excused himself from his friends and made his way over to New. However, before he could reach them, Namten intercepted him, asking, "Where are you going, Tay?" Tay hesitated for a moment before replying, "I have to go meet my friend." With that, Tay left his friends behind, not disclosing that he was married to the man accompanying him.

Tay approached New and asked, "Where are you going?" New remained silent, but Earth spoke up, saying, "Sir, New wants to go to the washroom, so I'm just taking him there."  Tay then questioned Earth, "He's perfectly capable of going alone. Why are you with him? And who are you?" Earth responded,  "I'm working in your company, and New felt pain in his stomach, so I'm making sure he's okay."Tay glanced at New and then remarked, "Alright, I'll take him. By the way, why are you addressing him as New instead of sir?"

Earth remained silent this time, and New interjected, saying, "I asked him to call me New. I don't like being addressed as sir." Tay retorted, "If you don't want to be called sir, then why hold a high position in the company? You could just work like a regular employee who calls others sir." New responded, "Tay, can you please argue later? I really need to use the washroom." Tay relented, saying, "Okay, okay, let's go."

New went with Tay, and Earth watched them leave. New used the washroom while Tay waited outside. When New emerged, Tay noticed that he was holding his belly and looked pale.

A Tale of love's challenge 2Where stories live. Discover now