part ❤️ 12

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New responded, "I didn't make excuses."

Tay's anger flared even more, "You didn't make excuses? You left your phone in the room, making me worry, and now you're arguing with me. When will you listen to what I tell you?"

New, now looking almost on the verge of tears, whispered, "I made you worry. Do you want me to believe that you don't care about me? You also told me I couldn't stay in your room, you don't want to go out with me anywhere, and when I go out without you, you're not happy, you scold me."

"I'm not angry because you went out without me; I'm angry because you didn't bring your phone and didn't inform me," Tay explained.

New's voice cracked with emotion, "Is that how you control my life? Now I feel like I don't want to stay with you. I'll go to my mom's house and stay there. I'll return the money I borrowed from your dad, and I'll file for divorce. During that time, you won't have to see me because I'll go to Gun's house or my mom's. And you don't have to tell your parents that we're not together, so they won't ask you to stay with me." With that, New burst into tears, running to his room, locking the door, collapsing on the bed, and sobbing uncontrollably.

Tay stood there for a moment, collecting his thoughts, then looked at the maid who was now watching him. "You can prepare the meal, I'll call you to bring it to my room," he instructed. The maid nodded, "Okay, sir."

Tay then called Off and told him to inform Gun and New's mom that New had returned home. "Okay," Off confirmed.

Afterward, Tay went to New's room and knocked on the door. "New, open the door, we need to talk," he said. When there was no reply, Tay warned, "New, open the door now, or I will break it." Still met with silence, Tay said firmly, "New, this is the last time I'm telling you to open the door."

Finally, the door opened, and Tay entered the room. He noticed New's swollen eyes from crying. "New, why are you crying?" Tay asked gently.

New shook his head, denying it. "I'm not," he insisted. Tay persisted, "Okay, you're not crying, but your eyes are swollen."

New repeated, "It's not."

Tay sighed and said, "Okay, but I need to tell you something. What you told me in the kitchen is not true."

Confused, New asked, "What did I say that's not true?"

Tay clarified, "You said I didn't allow you to stay in my room, but that's not true. I told you that if you wanted, you could stay in the next room."

New argued, "It's the same thing. You want me to stay away from you, that's why you brought me to this house, so your parents wouldn't know."

Tay countered, "Firstly, that's not true. I came here because it's closer to the office, saving a lot of time in commuting. And secondly, if I wanted to stay away from you, I would have done so on the first day you entered my room on our wedding day."

Tay continued, his tone firm, "These days, you're acting like a baby who cries because someone scolds you and wants to run away to your mom or even your friends because of it."

New didn't back down and replied, "It's not someone, it's you. And no one scolds me like you do, especially when I haven't even done anything wrong."

Tay retorted, "You say you haven't done anything? How can you say that?"

New reluctantly admitted, "Okay, I didn't inform you that I wanted to go out. But you're the one who..."

Tay cut him off sharply, "Don't say that I don't want to go with you. That's why you didn't tell me. I told you to inform me if you need anything, but you chose to act like this." He paused for a moment before continuing, "From now on, if you want to go anywhere, you tell me first. And now, give me the phone number."

A Tale of love's challenge 2Where stories live. Discover now