Strange Predicament

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"Hi mom and dad, there is someone I would like you to meet, this is Jake, my partner for the project, I mentioned a week ago. Sadly, his place burned down and it has been a horrifying day for him. He needs a place to stay for a while and thought he could stay here for a while", I said. Jake gave a smile.

"Oh no, that's really sad. Where did you live?" my mom asked, expressing her sympathy.

"Cliffordale, ma'am," Jake replied. I'm not sure why he added "ma'am."
"Oh wow, the one in the news? I didn't know people still lived there," my dad replied with surprise.

"I've talked to Jake, and he's totally cool with staying in the basement," I added with a hint of excitement.

"Oh honey, that's okay! Only if you're comfortable with it," my mom replied, showing her support and concern.

"Yes, I'm totally comfortable with whatever I get. I'm easygoing like that," Jake replied nonchalantly, expressing his laid-back attitude.

"What about your parents? Are they okay?" my dad asked, his voice filled with genuine concern. I had a feeling he would ask that.

"They have passed away," Jake replied, his tone becoming more somber.

"That's really sad news. We're here for you, Jake. Please make yourself at home," my mom said, her voice filled with warmth and compassion.

We sat and had dinner with Jake until we all went to sleep. What makes me happy is that Jake can experience what it's like to have a family and sit together. He has been alone for too long, and he needs this. I've decided to let my parents know about Jake since the fire was the best reason to let him stay with us, unlike mentioning "ghosts." Although I couldn't help but wonder if letting Jake stay here was still a good idea. His house burned down, so what will prevent the same incident from happening here? Doesn't this follow him around everywhere?

Sun has risen:

We waited for everyone to leave before we discussed the way forward. We sat and ate.

"I think we should consult a medium, you know? They can help us understand what's really going on. I've checked some of them online, and let me tell you, they seem pretty legit. I mean, I've read their reviews and everything," I said, my voice filled with excitement as I continued munching on my food.

"But what if something happens to them, like what happened to the last people provided us information?" Jake asked, his concern evident in his tone.

Determined to reassure him, I replied, "Come on, Jake! They're mediums, you know? Nothing's gonna happen to them. They have this uncanny ability to know what's gonna happen before it actually does. Trust me, if I call her now, she'll already know why I'm calling. So just relax, will you?"

"Alright, if you say so. I'm gonna go take a bath then," Jake replied, his voice indicating his willingness to go along with my plan.

The meeting:

"Hey there, I'm Mel, and this is Jake," I said, introducing ourselves to the medium as she walked through the door.

"Hey, nice to meet you, Mel and Jake," she replied, her tone friendly and welcoming.

We settled down on the couch, and she requested me to bring a bowl filled with water.

"So, who are we looking to connect with today?" she asked, her voice filled with curiosity.

"I'd like to connect with my mother, please," Jake replied, his voice reflecting his desire to reach out to his mom.

"Is your father late?" she inquired, her tone gentle and compassionate.

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