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Tae carefully removed jin's hand and got up from the bed. He then went to the washroom and locked it from inside. He sat down on the floor and leaned against the door. He hugged his knees and burst into tears.
"I...I can't do this anymore...I want to die...I can't live like this.. my brothers are also suffering because of me...I am so worthless...I couldn't save myself and now everyone is suffering because of me...god please kill me....I can't do this anymore"

He stifled his cries with his hand pressed against his mouth. He was crying his heart out until he was interrupted by a door knock. "Tae are you inside?"

Realising it was jimin's voice, tae immediately wiped his tears and opened the door after making himself presentable. He forced a smile and said "when did you come back?"

"Just now...wait were you crying" asked jimin seeing tae's red eyes. Tae let out a nervous chuckle and said "what are you saying jimina...why would I cry?"

Saying this he started going towards his bed hoping to escape the conversation but jimin held his hand to stop him and said  "stop lying tae... Your eyes are clearly saying that you were crying...tell me what happened" his voice gentle but firm.

Tae shook his head, attempting to free his hand from Jimin's grasp. "I wasn't crying, Jimin...you are overthinking" he insisted, his voice tinged with desperation.

Jimin let out a sigh, refusing to release Tae's hand. "Who do you think you're fooling, Tae? I'm your twin... You can't hide anything from me," he said softly, his words carrying a mix of disappointment and concern.

Tae looked down, a tear rolled down from his eyes. Without a word, he enveloped Jimin in a tight embrace, his emotions overwhelming him as he finally allowed himself to break down. Jimin returned the hug, wrapping his arms around Tae and offering silent comfort, his hand gently stroking Tae's back in a soothing gesture.

"I... I'm tired, Jimin... I can't do this anymore ," Tae sobbed, his voice choked with emotion. Jimin continued to pat his back gently, silently urging him to continue.

"I... I want to erase all the memories of... of that night, but the harder I try to forget, the more it haunts me," Tae confessed, tears streaming down his face as he struggled to articulate his pain.

"It's ok tae... everything will be fine buddy...we all are with you" Jimin offered words of comfort, rubbing his back. Tae's sobs intensified, and he spoke in a trembling voice "I feel disgusted with my own body jimin"

Jimin hugged him more tightly and said "I know it must be very difficult for you tae...but don't feel like this tae...it was not your fault then why are you feeling disgusted hmm"

Tae's voice quivered as he poured out his feelings, "You all are suffering because of me... because of me, you have to come to the hospital every day... everyone is stressed because of me... Jin hyung got sick because of me... I'm just so unlucky for all of you."

Jimin gasped in shock upon hearing Tae's words. "Don't think like this, Tae... None of us are suffering or stressed because of you. Have we ever made you feel that way?" Tae shook his head in response.

"Then why are you thinking like this, buddy?" Jimin persisted. "We all come to the hospital every day to be with you, to support you, and to make you feel better. Imagine if I were in your place, wouldn't you all do the same for me?"

"I would do the same, but... but I can't shake this feeling of guilt, thinking about all of you... Jin hyung got sick because of me," Tae confessed, sobbing badly. He was feeling really guilty blaming himself for jin's sickness

"I didn't get sick because of you tae... It is due to my own carelessness towards my health" said jin while getting up. He was awake since tae started crying telling about his feelings. He was just laying silently hearing tae's feelings. "Come here" jin called tae.

Tae moved closer to Jin, sitting on the bed beside him. Jin immediately pulled Tae into a warm embrace, tenderly caressing his head and back. "You've been thinking about all this the whole time?" Jin asked softly, his voice filled with understanding. "I know, baby, this situation is incredibly hard to handle... And we're doing our best to make you feel better, not to make you feel guilty or worse....How can you think that you could be unlucky for us, Tae, when you are the reason we're alive?" Jin continued, his voice full of love and sincerity. "If anything happened to you, do you think we could go on living without you? No, we couldn't... We can't even imagine our lives without you, Tae."

Tae's sobs grew louder as he heard Jin's words of love and support. "I know... I know it, hyung, and trust me, I love you all too and I can't imagine living without you all, he said through his tears. "But... I can't control the emotions I'm feeling... I feel like ending my life... I don't want to live anymore, Tae confessed, his voice filled with despair

Jin tightened his embrace around Tae, feeling tears welling up in his own eyes at the mere thought of Tae not being there with him. "Please don't talk like this, Tae... Think about us, too... Trust me, our lives would never be the same without you... We would all be utterly shattered... Especially Jimin," Jin's voice cracked as he spoke, struggling to maintain his composure. "Just look at him, he's already crying just hearing you talk like this. Imagine what his condition would be if you weren't here with him," Jin urged, his voice trembling with emotion as he fought back tears.

Tae glanced over at Jimin, who was wiping away tears, while still held in Jin's comforting embrace. "Please don't cry, Jiminah... I'll never leave you, buddy," Tae promised, his own tears continuing to flow.

As Jimin smiled at Tae through his tears, Jin's comforting hand caressed his hair as he spoke reassuring words. "We will do everything to help you get better... We'll find the best therapist for counseling. You'll be alright very soon," Jin promised softly. "Are you ready to seek help from a therapist?" he asked, his voice gentle and encouraging.

Tae took a moment to gather his thoughts before responding, his voice trembling with emotion. "Yes, hyung... I'm ready for therapy," he affirmed, recognizing the importance of seeking professional help for his mental health. But then, with tears streaming down his face, he pleaded, "But... I want to go home... I can't bear to stay in this hospital any longer... Please, take me home now, right now... This place is suffocating me... If I stay here one more day, I feel like I'll suffocate to death, hyung.... Take me home" Tae cried like a baby saying this

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To be continued

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