;🎧 Chapter 26

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[M/n's POV]

"..ugh..where am..I?" I groaned when the light hits my face, I blinked a few time to adjust my vision.

I'm back at my quarter but..it was subtle but changes were made. Each corner of the ceiling had a camera, the door looked much harder to open too. They had an upgrade on it, I guess?

One thing though is that, the gadgets on my wrist were still here. I grabbed my neck and felt a device there too, they're treating me like I'm some insane mentally unstable person.

"Well I really can't deny that part..I am now." I sighed, I grabbed my chin and let my mind drift off. "All I can remember was a slight pain on my neck before passing out."

I furrowed my eyebrows and let my hand rest on my thighs. I couldn't recall all of what happened back there, on fact I could barely comprehend it. It felt as if..I wasn't myself at that time..

"Ahhh..all this thinking is hurting my head..!" I groaned before I heard the door open, I was expecting Maverick but a person came in the room instead.

They were unfamiliar, they weren't my assigned nurse or doctor. Perhaps a replacement? A shame, I thought me and the doctor or nurse had some kind of bond..

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I am just here to check on your conditions, nothing more." They answered. "Your assigned nurse is a bit busy at the moment, the same goes for Sir Maverick."

"..I see.." I muttered, guess I caused too much trouble..

"..you look much weaker in person." They suddenly told me, I looked up to meet their face. Bastard had a cocky smirk plastered on their face.

"..Pardon?" I tried to see if I heard them right, I did not want to deal with this shit right now.

"Are you deaf now? I said you're weak. I expected a lot more from you since you're related to Sir Maverick, ah I feel a bit embarassed for Sir Maverick for having such a weak son like you." They taunted me, I clenched my jaw.

"..I'm embarassed that Maverick has an employee like you. I didn't think he would get so desperate to the point he'll hire someone as dumb and weak minded like you in this facility." I spoke in a calm tone, but in reality I was holding back the urge to snap their neck.

"Why you little-!" They grabbed a remote from their pocket and pressed it.

Instantly I felt an electric shock on my wrists once more. I held my wrists in hopes it will ease the pain, but alas it didn't. The bastard had the audacity to laugh at me too.

"Don't forget I have this, I can use this for as long as you like so you better start respecting me." Dumb person with a dumb mindset, I expected it.

"To think you have some delusional mind that you're in control because you're an authority." I was lucky enough not to stutter while talking. "You have to use a remote just so you can hurt me into being your slave? Think again, there's a reason why I'm related to Maverick, dumbass."

Their face soon turned red, assuming it's from embarassment. The remote almost slipped but they caught it in time and pressed something again. Instead of my wrist, I felt the shock on my neck.

"F-fuck, it's hurts!" I grabbed my throat, my mouth was open trying to breath but clearly I was struggling. If this continued I'll pass out from lack of oxygen, but no way I'll beg. I'd rather die.

"Look at you, can't even defend yourself! How can you protect your friends if you can't even protect yourself." (Wrong choice of words bud.)

Instantly my mood changed, my mind wasn't focused on the pain. Rather when they mentioned my friends,my group,my loved ones. My glare stayed towards them, I felt rage swim through my veins again.

"Hah, whatever. They'll turn into lab rats soon anyways." I didn't know what happened, I felt my body moved on its and suddenly I was ontop of them.

I could care less about the pain on my wrist and neck, in fact I could barely feel it now. I was too focused on what they said about my friends, too caught up with my own emotions.

[3rd POV]

"I-I can't breathe..!" The nurse opened its mouth to breath but to no avail.

They noticed how the lights were flickering aggressively, how the scenery of the room changed to white to red, but what caught their eye the most..was the eyes of a fucking psycho ontop of them.

"W-what is this-whats happening?!" The remote that used to be on their hand was discarded on the floor. They won't be able to use it to defend themselves either way.

"I don't care how much trouble I'll get for this, but I do not appreciate how you're using my friends as a way to rile me up." M/n's voice caught their attention once more, fear travelled through their veins. The scenery completely changed, the tense atmosphere changed into an uneasy and terrifying scenery.

The room was red, but at the same time it looked dull and colorless. The lights were flickering so much it was hurting their eyes. What scared them was a disfigured creature that looked exactly the experiments from the lab was behind M/n. Staring at them with a creepy smile as if it was taunting them.

"Who is this kid?!" They choked, tears started to form around their eyes due to the lack of oxygen.

"You'll regret for what you said about them." M/n spat out before gripping their neck tighter. "See you on the other side."

M/n twisted their neck, a sickening crack echoed the room. It took a while for M/n to comprehend what happened before backing away slowly. He looked at his hands and the corpse infront of him.

"I just..I just killed a person." He wrapped his arms as if a way to hug himself. "..and I didn't feel any sort of remorse."

M/n hugged himself while leaning on the floor. He didn't notice the guards sprinting into the room to look at the situation. He didn't notice Maverick running to his side with a worried look.

"M/n are you okay? Does it still hurt?" Maverick asked while inspection the gadgets attached to M/n.

M/n trembled while turning to look at Maverick. He would be lying if he said he didn't get a bit creeped out by M/n's emotionless face after killing someone by using his brute strength.

"M-maverick.." M/n stuttered, although his face didn't show any remorse or emotions. The sickening feeling on his stomach made him wanna vomit.

"..Let's get you somewhere else to take your mind off of this." Maverick quickly but gently made M/n stood up and walk out of the roll from the scene.

"What's happening to me." M/n wondered while letting Maverick lead him to wherever he's going.

A/N: I should be asleep rn but, I had motivation to write sooo....

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