Chapter 55 - Infiltration

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[A/N: Just so you guys know this fanfic is not finished yet. I just don't have time to write due to IRL.]

After 30 minutes passed, Tesla, Himeko, and I boarded a battleship equipped with stealth mode technology.

Exploiting Schicksal's distraction with Benares, we took advantage of the opportunity to approach stealthily.

"Now, let's proceed to the control room," Himeko instructed. "Shin, your task is to watch our rear and ensure Dr. Tesla's safety above all else."

I nodded, seamlessly summoning a pink katana with a practiced motion. "Got it."

"Remarkable... Is that a manifestation of your Herrscher power?" Tesla inquired.

"Tsurugi grants me control over two katana," I explained. "Her abilities are far broader."

"Intriguing... No wonder Otto is interested in you," Tesla mused.

As we advanced, Tesla suddenly asked, "Why haven't you reached S-Rank Valkyrie status with those powers?" Her question caught both Himeko and me off guard.

"Major Himeko? Why did we stop?" I inquired.

"N-No reason..." Himeko stumbled over her words.

Tesla let out a sigh. "I see..."

"Look, it's not like I'm playing favorites, alright?! Shin needs time to learn and adapt to more challenges!" Himeko interjected.

"Ah, I understand," Tesla replied, her tone nonchalant.

"I've been wondering the same thing, Despite completing difficult missions, why haven't I been promoted to S-Rank Valkyrie? Don't those missions count for anything?"

"Y-Your missions do count! It's just... I haven't had time to review them," Himeko explained, her voice wavering slightly.

"Then can I get a rank up after this mission?" I asked eagerly.

"After this mission."


As we advanced forward, a few mechas suddenly dropped down from the air.

"We've got company," Himeko said, immediately taking a stance with her greatsword.

"They came out of nowhere... Do you think they already found out about us?" I positioned myself in front of Dr. Tesla, ready to defend her.

"I think this is an automatic defense system for intruders. here are ten of them, and they're 'Titan' class." Tesla said.

"Let's finish this quickly," Himeko said, charging forward to engage the enemy.

"Roger." I rushed forward, slashing at the nearest mecha.

Suddenly, two more mechas rushed toward Tesla.

"Dr. Tesla!" I shouted, turning toward her.

Himeko swiftly stepped in front of Tesla and with a single powerful slash, she cut one of the mechas in half. The other one she dispatched with another precise strike.

"Thank you, Major Himeko," Tesla said, visibly relieved.

"Focus on the mission, Shin," Himeko commanded, her attention already back on the battlefield.

"I'm sorry, Major Himeko."

Taking a deep breath, I prepared to rush forward, but this time, I remained aware of my surroundings.

As the remaining mechas rushed toward me, my body blurred for a moment as I dashed past them. With a swift motion, I slashed through the remaining mechas and sheathed my katana back in the air.

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