FIVE. across the universe

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     TONIGHT WAS the sophomore and Charlie was dreading it

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     TONIGHT WAS the sophomore and Charlie was dreading it. She wasn't excited about the event in the first place and now... it wasn't on the forefront of her mind. She hadn't processed what's been going on in her life and hadn't dared to check her emails.

Lori had gone through Charlie's email and archived the emails between her and her father. For days Lori had debated bringing up what happened that night, but for now, she would wait for Charlie to speak on it. She didn't want to push Charlie into discussing something she wasn't ready for.

Regardless, Charlie seemed better than she was before. She sat at the kitchen table and spooned cereal into her mouth as she scrolled through Instagram.

She could hear footsteps coming downstairs and saw her mother. She turned her attention back towards her phone when a message from Marcus popped onto her screen. He asked if she was dreading the sleepover as much as she was. She gave a soft smile as she dropped her spoon into her bowl and began messaging him back.

Lori glanced back at her youngest as she began to brew her coffee to start her day. "Excited for the sleepover?"

Charlie chuckled, looking over at her mother. "No. Not something I'm looking forward to."

"Why not?" Lori asked. "Isn't the party of the century or something?"

"No." Charlie laughed and stood to her feet. She placed her empty bowl in the sink and pressed her back against the countertop. "The only reason I'm still going is because Marcus is." She explained, crossing her arms over her chest.

Lori turned, holding a coffee cup in her hands. She gave Charlie a soft smile as she pressed a kiss against the side of her head.

"I'm sure you and Marcus will have a great time."

More footsteps began marching down the stairs and Billie made her appearance known.

"Let's go!" She called before shutting the door behind her.

Charlie gave her mother a soft smile before leaving the house and to the hell she called school.

     SOON ENOUGH, nightfall came, and Charlie and Marcus trudged their way down the halls and saw the handful of sophomores in the gym as music blasted back and forth between the walls as people danced.

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