Chapter 27: Demons of the Mind

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Chapter 27: Demons of the Mind

The worst possible combination of people to put together would have been Gail and Jillian. Hence, like all of life's cruel and ironic ways, they were placed as partners. He was manipulative with his own brand of intellect, and Jillian was intelligent above all else. He was reluctant, she pushed through the darkest part of the night. He was willing to do anything to save his sorry ass, she was willing to sacrifice herself to save the world. More importantly, she knew what Morgan was like. She had dealt with him first hand. To Gail, Morgan was nothing more than a creepy bedtime story. The Insurgence Camp parents used it to scare children. Jillian pushed through the bramble of yet another forest as they pressed onward. 

"So, this 'dark elf king'," Gail used air quotes. "He's the asshole that started all of this?" 

"He tried to wipe my memory within an inch of my life and use me as a weapon to torture half the universe," Jillian explained curtly, making sure a branch hit Gail in the face, mistaking his 'OW' for sympathy. "Yeah, bigger asshat than you, if you'd believe it." 

"If he wanted to use you as a weapon, why did he choose *you?*" Gail scoffed. "There's hardly anything special about you compared to Angelica, or hell, even Levi. Why choose a lowly scientist when you could have a pirate warrior or a trickster strong enough to control the universe-bloody hell, will you *stop* pushing these branches in my face?" 

"You don't understand the true danger of what we're doing here!" Jillian snapped. "I've been through hell and back, literally and metaphorically. Despite how much of an asshat you are, even a decent human like me can hope you never have to go through the same." 

Jillian only sensed Gail's footsteps were no longer following her when she angrily slashed through a few more tree brambles. She turned to yell at him to hurry up, but noticed he was sitting on a large rock overlooking the hillside, glancing out at the sunset with a rather forlorn look across his face. Not sure what to do, she trudged back and took a seat next to him. 

"You're not the only one who's had hardships and trials in your life," Gail said. "So far, your opinion of me is that I'm an asshole, because that's all I've chosen to present. 

"Well, if you're a fucking angel underneath all that, let it out, I had no idea that's what you were hiding," Jillian scoffed. 

"Things that happen to us in our lives have certain impacts on what and who we become," Gail chose his words carefully. "When I look at you, I see an incredibly intelligent and curious human who wants to know everything she can about the universe. Therefore, someone must have inspired you to become that way. Genius is hardly genius without an audience. But sometimes the strongest minds crumble the most. That must have been why Morgan went for you first." 

"Do you know, I think that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me," Jillian said. "That might be the nicest think you've said...ever. Period." 

"Don't get used to it," Gail nudged her playfully. "I haven't had the best past myself. Half of my memories are shrouded in doubt and fear. I grew up in the Wordsmith school. I learned to fend for myself early. Much too early, some would say. Scriptor Artes Et Mystics. You're right, their motto is no longer. There's corruption stirring in the darkest corners in that place. It must be stopped. But how can you stop corruption when you don't even know where it started?" 

"That's why you didn't want Angelica to go there, isn't it?" Jillian asked. "You weren't just blocking her from adventure, you were saving her from more potential danger. I like you." 

"Really?" Gail scoffed. "You called me an asshole not ten minutes ago." 

"Yeah, but you use your assholery to protect other people," Jillian said. "Isn't that the job of a Rebel? Do you know how long I've tried to protect Angelica but filed because she just goes headfirst into danger anyway? Go on, then. What's so dangerous about this school? You said there was corruption, but you don't know where it started?" 

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